Арт Мистик...

Aug 18, 2018 21:44

Théodore Géricault
Three Lovers, 1820.

Juan Francisco Carrion
Vanitas Still Life, 17th century.

Otto Greiner
Devil Showing Woman to the People, 1897.
Дьявол показывает Людям женщину...

book cover

J.W.Pitchford, The Morning Song: A Ninefold Praise of Love, 1884.

Vardges Sureniants (1860-1921)
Jesus Christ.

Étienne Léopold Trouvelot (1827-1895)
Total eclipse of the sun. Observed July 29, 1878, at Creston, Wyoming Territory.

Ahmed Ibn Mustafa
Phases of the Moon, 1555.

Robert Van Vorst Sewell
Nymph, 1887.

Herbert Gustave Schmalz (1856-1935)
Faithful unto Death or Christianesad Leones.

Antonio Canova
Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss, 1787-93.

Miles Cleveland Goodwin
The Happy Couple, 2018.
Счастливая пара...

James Ensor
The Skeleton painter, 1896.

Gustav Klimt
Houses at Unterach on the Attersee, 1916.

Chevalier Fortunino Matania (1881-1963)
Paulina in the Temple of Isis.

Michelangelo Buonarroti
Count of Canossa (Study for Warrior’s Head), 1580.

Абрам Ефимович Архипов
Птицелов, 1895.

Albert Maignan (1845-1908)
Homage to the Child King (Merovingian King Clovis II).

Johan Krouthén (1858-1932).

N. C. Wyeth
The Passing of Robin Hood, 1917.
Кончина Робин Гуда...

Léon Spilliaert
Tree-lined drive, 1935.

Басалыга Андрей
Связной, 2004.

мифология, арт пазл

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