Jul 01, 2014 04:03

HEY ALL :) Thank you so much for all your well wishes, you all make this such a great place to mod. *fuzzy hug* I'm going to extend this round until Wednesday night, huns - for any of you last minuters who still want to enter :) Voting will go up Thursday.

myneonhearts - fairy_feelings - juliet316 - ninjasinpyjamas - teddytheodore - paperdreamss - happy_day90 - flipflop_diva

(if you've already left me a message saying that you needed to drop out of this round, I'm sorry if I missed it - I'm still trying to catch up on my backlog of LJ messages.. I had over a 100 when I came home O__o )

If you can't finish your claim, if you don't *want* to finish your claim, or if you'd like an extension, just let me know :)


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