round O1: sign up.

Jun 13, 2011 18:15

Welcome! :D

There will be a list of celebrities (model/musician/actress/actor) you get to pick one and I will give you one photoshoot to make 10 icons in 10 days using specific themes and categories.

The tricky part is that a photoshoot can be diverse or it can contain the same studio in every picture,
 so you will have to make it work and use graphic techniques to not only make pretty icons but to respect the themes with that little material.

-Make sure you've joined and read the rules before signing up.
- Choose a celebrity.
-Along with the Rules & Themes you'll find out which phoroshoot you're working with for this round.
-If you're not sure you'll have time to make the icons don't sign up, please.
-Make sure your celebrity hasn't been picked. Just one person for each.
-Sign Ups will close in a few days.

1.- Katy Perry - alex494
2.- Lindsay Lohan
3.- Selena Gomez - second_love
4.- Ashton Kutcher
5.- Justin Timberlake
6.- Brad Pitt - dionisia2005
7.- Chloe Sevigny
8.- Jared Padalecki - sheryden
9.- Rihanna -  glamnation
10.- Joseph Gordon Levitt -  just_miya
11.- Orlando Bloom
12.- Milo Ventimiglia
13.- Scarlett Johansson - quiddity_
14.- Kristen Stewart - lemonzter
15.- Jennifer Aniston - csichick_2
16.- Lara Stone
17.- Zachary Quinto
18.- Emma Watson - thatdamnkiss
19.- Mila Kunis - brina_xo
20.- Vanessa Hudgens
21.- Miley Cyrus - nastyakireeva
22.- Ashlee Simpson
23.- Amy Adams
24.- Natalie Portman -  enriana
25.- Miranda Kerr -  n_iinza


¡signup, round: 01

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