Onorata History

May 13, 2008 14:43

Kira's a Vescovo, the only child left in his relatively low-ranking family after his mother and brother Michael died under fairly suspicious circumstances when he was four-- most signs pointing towards Monacello, of course, although Kira has long suspected otherwise, and thinks his father deliberately put them in the line of fire. Not that Kira cares too much about his dead family members. Or live ones, like his father, who he treats terribly.

Along with his brother, Kira was heavily experimented on as a child (something which got his father frowned upon by other Vescovo for even considering, much less allowing), which led to his unusually fast recovery rate from most injuries. He's not particularly bitter about this since it helps him on missions to be able to usually not be in bed for much longer than overnight after being shot a few times. Plus, hidden beneath his cynical, cold, and sarcastic devil-may-care exterior is a semi-genuine loyalty to the Vescovo line-- and genuine, if often hard to spot caring for people that're important to him. Again, if no one looks past his asshole exterior, it's all the same to him.

Kira womanizes at least as often as he takes missions-- probably most of the reason he hasn't risen much in the ranks. Kira's women tend to share common characteristics-- tall, brunette, and buxom, although when anyone calls him out on it Kira either laughs it off or ignores them. Most in Vescovo are fairly well aware of his long-term obsession with "that girl" or "that bitch" as Kira calls Alexiel-- and the only time he mentions her is if someone else brings her up. But whatever ended their relationship occured over a year ago and no trace of her was ever found.

Not that Kira's more than mildly entertained thoughts of looking for her. Oh, not a chance of that.

These days Kira tends to divide his time between womanizing/partying, reading, and Vescovo jobs-- which for the most part he is surprisingly quite efficient at. His healing factor has meant that he's served as a human meat-shield more than once. Occasionally in his free time he'll also practice swordfighting. He gives lip-service to the idea that he could gain a higher status than a soldati in a few years, but at this point he lacks the necessary ambition to do so. After all, when you're born a Vescovo, you've got it made, right?


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