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Jul 11, 2005 09:56

So I got a job at Tecumseh Pizza. I have worked so far: Friday 4-10:30--Saturday 4-11:00--Sunday 4-9 and then I work tomorrow only 4-8 which is ok. But yeah so Im making more money since I need to pay $500 for horse insurance this month, $100 for Dream's farrier appointment tomorrow, $200 for Melissa's plane ticket (Who comes in *drumroll* 3 days!!!!!) and $150 for board..So frick no wonder I am so broke. But yeah. This week: Today babysitting til 5:30 then going to Windsor with Steve. Tomorrow babysitting in the morning then working 4-8. Wednesday babysitting til 5:30. Thurs. babysitting til 5:30 then PICKING UP MELISSA FROM THE AIR PORT!!!! Friday I have to cancel two babysitting job cause Melissa is here and I dunno Im supposed to work next weekend but I might just work Sunday from 4-9 and have Melissa entertain herself for a bit lol. But yeah Dream is doing a lot better no thanks to Randy. OH YEAH on Saturday I have a horse show anyways so I cant work. Its just past London which means I have to wake up at fricken 5:00am. eww but Melissa will be with me and I love her soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. HURRAY IM SO EXCITED. But yeah I will be making as much money as I have to spend this week so I guess I will break even without earning a penny..oh wait no cause I will keep all my tips in my bin and spend it all...the whole $1.01 I got yesterday lmao. Its ok. If you all feel hungry and want Pizza call Tecumseh Pizza and pick it up so you can see me lol. Bye bye Im off to finish babysitting.
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