im bored so i decided to do this haha

Mar 05, 2005 09:48

x name: rose
x screen name: Abercrombebaby10
x sex: F
x birthday: October 8th
x height: 5'4' and 3/4! haha i think
x hair color: Dark Brown
x is your hair long or short: looong
x eye color: Brown-but kinda hazel-they changed its wierd
x siblings: none
x who makes you laugh the most?: probably denali
x who knows the most about you?: who knows anymore
x boy/girlfriend status: uhhhhhhhh

x do you have a job: uh, yeah
x who's your role model: certain people
x what store do you shop at the most: victorias-abercrombe-charr-TJ's!
x have you ever done any drugs: n/a.
x do you collect anything: haha i duno, i suppose some random things

x day of the week: i dont no anymore i always have to work onthe weekends
x thing in your room: my bed i suppose, or maybe my fuzy rug
x cd: wayy too many
x song(s): wayy too many
x animal: i only have 2 fish haha
x ice cream: coffee i think
x drink: water-hotcocoa
x thing to do: snowboard-be with you
x pizza topping: peperonie i suppose

x where do you see yourself in 10 years: hmm, possibly in boston or NY being succesful in fashion design, i really dont know
x if you could live anywhere: San Francisco-boston-NY-out west
x what age do you want to get married: mid 20's late 20's i dont really know
x how many kids do you want: i have no idea
x girl's names: raquel, april, millicent, i duno ranodm names
x boy's names: hayden-chase-i dont know

Have YOU ever
x been in love?: yes i have
x lied?: yes
x cheated on a test?: duhh
x cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no.
x tied your shoes together?: uhh no?
x eaten something with a lot of fat?: puhaleeze who hasnt

x worst feeling in the world: losing someone you love with all your heart
x best feeling in the world: being happy or being in love
x can you define love?: that is very hard.
x do you get along with your parents?: confusing situation.
x are you ticklish?: possibly

Opposite SEX
x 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: lips and eyes i supppose maybe clothes
x perfect "dream" date: haha I don't know
x what do you look for in the opposite sex? i really have no idea, everyone is different, for me theres no relation in the people i like
x what does the opposite sex not know about you? uhh lost of things? and it would be nice to keep it that way thanks.

Night TIME
x what do you wear to bed: uhh stuff
x what's your bed time: anytime between 9:30 and like 11:30 during the weekdays
x is there a TV in your room: yes both houses
x what's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: i dont really know, think about things i suppose

x how many schools have you been to: 2
x are you passive or aggressive: umm, i dont no?
x vanilla or chocolate: vanlilla!
x would you rather be cold or hot: cold deffinetly
x what is your curfew: umm i dont really know, dont really have one

x person you can trust the most: i dont know...i suppose no one. trust is a really big deal..well maybe a choice few.
x what is the best quality of a friend: someone who is always there for you and knows you the best and cares for you
x what friend do you have the most fun with: hmmmm, i dont know

Stupid STUFF
x do you glow in the dark: what the hell
x do you posses magical abilities: ummm no
x do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer: noppee, seperate
x if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be: how i care to much
x who do you really hate?: thats for me to knowwww
x what are you addicted to: i dont know
x do you like jewelry?: yess i do
x do you wear a watch?: i have a few but i dont really wear them
x did/do you have braces?: nope
x do you believe in God?: i don't really know
x do you believe in love at first sight?: yess.
x what are your favorite tv show(s)?: umm, a lot of things
x what color tooth brush do you use?: at my dads i have a red and white one and at my moms its white and pink i think
x is the glass half empty or half full: ahh i duno
x most dangerous thing you've ever done: I don't know
x are you listening to any of your CDs at the moment: yes, a mix, but the song i have on is by verticle horizon
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