"You've never really lived until your back's against the wall..."

Apr 07, 2006 18:57

Ah another sunny Florida day. I took two quizzes. Wastes of time really. There's alot of that going around. I haven't said much lately because there han't been much to say. Even with the impending invasion of the north, I haven't felt my typical need to vent my feelings here as I have had different venues for which to lie out my feelings for review. which is easier and less time consuming then this particular method. I'm sure you understand. However, in the interest of good things to come, good things in th present have sometimes to end. To be sacrificed for the greater good. After my intial regret of the shittiness of that outwardly sterile fact, I have embraced the idea of the task at hand. Which is not escape but rather a change of scenery. Again an outwardly sterile statement that in and of itself conveys none of the deep feeling which are hidden within the idea. In many ways this all was my home for a long time. It even felt like home in many ways. It was not to be though. For I come from richer soil and wish to build a future on rock rather than sand. There is still alot which is unclear, but I must fight to build something more solid than piss wages and managerial indifference in a career. Corporations are for wankers. A large part of this state was built by wankers for wankers and we can do better. I just can't sit in front of the tele and feed myself reruns of History channel and drink myself stupid. Its not a solution its not even a temporary fix. Of course it is presumptious of me to associate the northlands with something grandiose and life changing. In fact in places the prospects seem worse. However, that is where I come from and its important to get back to basics before further decisions are made. Everyone around me is falling wounded. Wounded in their hearts. I'm wounded myself, but we must press on. When times seem their darkest we must have faith and dread not.
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