Apr 26, 2004 00:49
damn. exams are coming up. I have to do work.
school has been easy this semester I feel like.
the hardest thing for me is writing papers because I tend to write waaay more than I need to. I just have to finish this book review on Bill Haywood. I'm super into it, love the subject matter, I just can't quite organize my thoughts right.
Algebra is kind of kicking my ass. but I'll be alright if I pass the next two quizes and the final.
spanish is a breeze but I can't get too cocky about it. basically it involves setting enough time aside to PRACTICE.
Tomorrow some friends are going to be doing a direct action against the Iraq-occupation. I'm almost considering joining it/getting arrested 'cause I"m so frustrated with this quagmire. Reading this book about Big Bill Haywood (radical socialist/anarchist union organizer of the IWW) makes me want to ACT! Talk about issues with people! Get on my ass and DO something!
Its amazing the state repression he faced.
I'm filled with ideas about rekindling the art/activist discussion
in cville. I feel like putting together a meeting of artists and activists to discuss issues and how/if art can be political or if politics can be artistic.
The occupation seems so unreal to me. I'm not directly impacted by it-- YET. I need to register as a conscientious objector. Though I"m upset with myself for not taking more active steps in political action, I understand the reason why-- I'm a spoiled white male and I'm not directly seeing/educating myself about the shit going on so I don't act as much as I may like.
I'd so much rather be reading other political books than writing this review, doing math, and spanish. Do I really want 3-4 more years of this?