Thank you
jarai for the card and photo. they could not have arrived at a better time.
I continue to mope. the chocolate cake (aka Aaron) has mysteriously contacted me after a few months of silence. do I start up on that tiltawhirl all over again? I am still dizzy from the last round. (ride sounded too pronographic sorry)
I type things that no one really cares about. see? oh my the sky.
I am delirious from want of a cigarette. NO I HAVE NOT QUIT! I am just too lazy at this *ahem* early hour to go outside and have one.
the other boy the other boy and what about him? you know the tall one. goofy dorky convinced me that True Romance IS one of the best films of all time? him? Ate at chicago diner and got parking tickets with him. oh, yes well I returned the last of his comics and that is that.
oh dear H don't you have anything to speak of other than boys????
but what of politics or disappearing farm land or literature?
hmm. well.
The man who fronts the Mr. T Experience wrote a young adult novel. It is called King Dork. I enjoyed it.
nonononono literature not trashy young adult fiction
oh. yeah I kind of watched pride and prejudice. It had corsets and fainting.
this is the best I can do. Look. I can also dance. *wiggles legs* see? now I must go soak in coffee and breathe tar.