Yesterday evening, it only took me about ten laps of alternating strokes to get warmed up for my swim workout. I ended up swimming an actual mile, since it turns out that 1 mile = 36 laps. All that took just about an hour, and left me rather tired and cold. Fortunately, 20 minutes in the lovely sauna at the IMA did quite well toward restoring my body to a happy temperature.
After spending a while trying to figure out the gist of the Math 308 homework, I enlisted the services of the one and only
neptune, who succeeded in illuminating the proper approach to the assignment. Big sigh of relief on that one...
I think I'm going to try to finish cleaning up the lovely apartment today, and possibly try to bake something. I'd make orange spiced cider, but I need one of those manual juicers... I also need a pastry brush; trying to put egg-white on scones doesn't work so well with only one's fingers as an applicator.
Grr, I'm really stressed out today, despite the good things... perhaps roller-skating at the IMA would improve matters. Hmm...