An open letter to Tim Dickinson, author of "Six Years of Deceit" featured in Rolling Stone *REVISED*

Jun 28, 2007 11:41

Dear Mr Dickinson,

I'll start this letter by doing something you should try: being honest. I only picked up your stupid magazine because I needed something to read while I was on the shitter. Personally, I know your magazine is the literary equivalent of drivel. I read the cover story for a full thirty seconds before remembered why I stopped buying it in the first place. I'm not going to nitpick the entire article just yet. Maybe the next time I have to shit, and I'm out of magazine subscription cards, I'll pick this issue up again and attempt to finish the article, only so I can finish this entry and forever immortalise my exposure of your stupidity.

First off, if your IPCC is so awesome, why would they footnote their "conlcusive evidence" with "Magnitude of anthropogenic contributions not assessed. Attribution for these phenomena based on expert judgement rather than formal attribution studies." [link]

Also, why would one of their so-called expert panelists respond to the published version of the report with "I was disappointed that after more than two years carefully analysing the literature on possible links between tropical cyclones and global warming that even before the report was approved it was being misreported and misrepresented. We concluded that the question of whether there was a greenhouse-cyclone link was pretty much a toss of a coin at the present state of the science, with just a slight leaning towards the likelihood of such a link." [link]

in case any of you are wondering what the IPCC does, read this article at, an award-winning online magazine that publishes environmental news and views from an irreverent perspective, motivating its readers to take action on behalf of the environment.

oh, and that wonderful picture of James Hansen you ran with the caption "SILENCING SCIENCE The administration ordered a crony inside NASA to stop James Hansen, considered the godfather of climate science, from speaking to the press about his findings." was lovely. Incidentally, I found the same picture on this article on the liberal-friendly New York Times that even goes as far to quote Dean Acosta, deputy assistant administrator for public affairs at NASA, "There was no effort to silence Dr. Hansen. That's not the way we operate here at NASA. We promote openness and we speak with the facts." The article went on to say that, according to NASA policy, "the restrictions on Dr. Hansen applied to all National Aeronautics and Space Administration personnel. He added that government scientists were free to discuss scientific findings, but that policy statements should be left to policy makers and appointed spokesmen."

So, in conclusion, please, since you're a writer for rolling stone, I implore you to get the magazine back to what it didn't completely suck at: writing about music.


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