
Dec 08, 2012 19:44

Title Bonzo.
Pairing Yunho/Jaejoong - Yunho/Yoochun - Jaejoong/Changmin - Junsu/Yoochun
Warning Infidelity. Sex.
Rating NC-17
Summary Yunho and Jaejoong are married with a son named Haesik. Yunho’s medical duties are stressing him out, and Jaejoong doesn’t have as much time to spare on intimacy as he used to, causing Yunho to turn to infidelity in an old friend named Yoochun, working as a Lawyer in a firm around the corner. Junsu is the new intern for the law firm and is beginning to show a romantic interest in Yoochun while Changmin is hired as a nanny to pick up on the duties that Yunho is so suddenly neglecting around his and Jaejoong‘s house. Throughout it all, Bonzo, Jaejoong’s dog, is the only one clear enough to see straight, and even he catches himself chasing his tail from time to time. (A/N inside)

A/N: This may or may not be three months late. I am so sorry. :(

Junsu’s guilt keeps him up for several nights.

The day after the incident with Yunho, Junsu arrives at work as he gets paid to do, and he pointedly ignores Yoochun as he sits quietly at his desk for the nine hours he’s required to keep his ass planted there. Yoochun acknowledges him when papers need to be filed or found, and then he stays in his office.

When six o’clock hits, Junsu decides to call it a day. He labels the important papers he’s working on with color-coded sticky notes and lays them in a stack on his desk before moving to pack up his things.

“Junsu,” He hears from behind him. The voice is echoing throughout the otherwise empty office and he knows that Yoochun is leaning against his door with his arms folded across his chest without looking up at the man for confirmation.

“Yes?” He responds.

“You’ve been really quiet today. Is everything alright?”

Junsu sniffs, pushing a folder and his planner in his messenger bag before sealing it up and grabbing it in his hand. He grabs his phone off of his desk and pushes It in the pocket of his trousers. “It’s not business related.” He says, making for the exit.

The next morning, he’s late to work.

Yoochun is incredibly upset.

“This is unacceptable. I’ve given you too many free tickets to take this nonsense. Would you mind telling me why you were so late today?”

Junsu sits quietly in his seat, staring intently at Yoochun. In his silence, his mind argues about calling Yoochun out on his idiocy while they’re talking or leaving the subject alone and going back to work.

In the end, he admits, “I haven’t been able to sleep.”

Yoochun lets out a sigh of relief, glad to have Junsu saying something to him. “What happened?”

“Your affair with Yunho, the married doctor who treated me for anaphylactic shock a few months ago.”

At first Yoochun looks pained. His expression rapidly changes to a calm exterior, his lip suddenly being worried between his teeth and his hands coming to rest nervously on his lap.

“That is none of your concern.”

Junsu moves to leave. His hands are on the arm rests of the chair when Yoochun jumps up and reaches out for him.

“You’re absolutely right.” Junsu snorts. “It shouldn’t be my concern. But perhaps you shouldn’t be so proud of making an adulterer out of a respected man. I know his husband. I’ve watched their son. Do you think I want to have the guilt of knowing my boss is having an open affair with a doctor who has saved my life? Knowing that this doctor has a husband. Has a son. Has a family. I can’t sleep because of you! I feel like I’m skirting my obligation because I can’t bring myself to admit that it’s happening but I can’t look you in the eye, barking orders at me while I know you spend the majority of the time in your office immorally phone sexing and sucking people off.”

Yoochun drops the fabric of Junsu’s shirt. The look that dances in his eye is maddening and Junsu knows that he has inadvertently called Yoochun out on the one offence he wouldn’t have ever admitted to himself.

- - -

Jaejoong wakes up beside Yunho for the first time in months. At first his surprise makes him smack Yunho in the face, thinking the man to be an intruder. Yunho is startled awake by the impact and grabs Jaejoong’s hand, sitting up quickly and glaring down at the other man.

Jaejoong lays nervously against his pillow, one wrist in Yunho’s hand and the other covering his face incase of retaliation. Yunho quickly softens, letting go of Jaejoong’s wrist.

“I’m sorry,” Jaejoong apologizes quickly. “I didn’t know who you were. I mean, I knew who you were but I didn’t think you’d be here. I mean… yes. I didn’t… I haven’t…”

“Stop.” Yunho says, laying back down. “I know what you mean. It’s alright.”

Jaejoong clears his throat and threads his fingers together, laying them on his chest. The silence is awkward, but the conversation they know they should be having would be much worse, and so both settle for the silence with a resigned sort of contentedness.

Until the baby monitor rings with the static of Haesik calling for his daddy, Jaejoong thinks about how he can approach Yunho about their issues. Without the hostility. Without the accusation. Nothing comes to him and he looks over at Yunho who is beginning to doze off. “I’ll go and get him.” Jaejoong says.

When the man moves to climb out of bed, Yunho grabs him by the shirt and pulls him gently back to the mattress. “I’ll go.” He says. He gets up, running his fingers through his bed tussled hair. He quickly leaves the room.

Minutes later, Yunho is back in the doorway, making his way to the bed with the small boy cradled protectively in his arms. The boy is cooing, rubbing his face in the crook of his fathers neck. His small fingers are tangled in the mans bed clothing. Yunho is smiling, sitting on the bed, careful not to jog the little boy too much.

“Baby,” Jaejoong whispers, reaching forward and taking the boy out of Yunho’s arms. Haesik rubs his eyes and yawns, toothless mouth wide open. Jaejoong laughs, pulling the boy to his chest and laying down with him. “Good morning, my little boo bear.” He says. Yunho cautiously lays down next to the two. He gets comfortable and reaches out, rubbing the small amount of hair on Haesik’s head and watching the boy close his eyes, drifting back to sleep.

When he looks up at Jaejoong, the man has a small smile on his face.

“Do you miss this sort of thing?” He asks.

Yunho sighs. “I do. I’ve been missing a lot of things lately.”

“Like what?” Jaejoong asks.

“Like you and me. Being together on Friday nights, watching movies with buff men and gorgeous, big busted women. Talking about stupid things like ice-cream and Sherlock Holmes. Thinkin’ about the future and all the babies you wanted to have and take care of.” Yunho stops stroking Haesik’s hair and, instead, touches Jaejoong’s hand. “I miss being able to touch you all day, without the repercussion of having missed twenty messages about a patient whose head is hanging off of her shoulders. I miss having you smile at me while I cook you lunch.”

Jaejoong doesn’t move. He continues to look at Yunho, as if expecting him to continue.

Yunho doesn’t take the initiative. Instead, the doorbell begins to sound. Haesik jumps violently in Jaejoong’s arms and is immediately awakened, rolling into a fit of cries. “Oh,” Jaejoong says, holding tightly to Haesik and whispering, “That would be Changmin.”

“I’ll send him home.” Yunho says, climbing out of bed for a second time.

“What? Why.” Jaejoong asks. “I need his help today.”

“I’ll be your help today.” Yunho responds, leaving the room without looking over his shoulder or giving any other explanation.

- - - -

Changmin isn’t an easily offended person.

When Yunho opens the door, however, and says “sorry, we don’t need you today. You’ll get paid the hours. Take ‘em as vacation.” he gets inherently upset.

Thinking about his own feelings towards the chain of events, Changmin realizes his growing attachment towards Jaejoong and labels them ‘inappropriate’, packing them away in his head as he skulks down the sidewalk and makes his way back home.

Haesik is not his son.

Haesik is not his son.

Jaejoong is not his husband.

Jaejoong is not his husband.

Jaejoong is not… his…

The thought enrages Changmin. For the younger man to know that Yunho is nothing but a piece of shit; his morals, his actions, and to deal with it like Jaejoong will probably deal with it just picks him to pieces and feeds him to the birds.

- - - -

“You really sent him home, huh?” Jaejoong asks as he walks slowly down the stairs.

“I told you, I’m here for today. You can get some work done. I’ll watch the baby.”

Jaejoong nods his head, handing Haesik off to Yunho and leaving in the direction of the kitchen. A moment of silence passes as Yunho plants small kisses on his sons face, the younger boy reacting with tiny giggles and flexing fingers. Then Bonzo runs through the house, skidding around the corner and crashing into one of the corner stands.

“Bonzo!” Jaejoong yells from the other room.

As it turns out, Haesik really does love the dog. Yunho allows them to play together, Haesik grabbing for Bonzo’s tail while Bonzo tries to keep it out of reach. He keeps two eyes on the both of them, looking for warning signs of hostility that never come. Jaejoong passes through the living room several times, different colored fabrics hanging from his shoulders and arms every time Yunho sees him.

Three hours have passed before Yunho finds himself yawning into the pages of a medical book on the couch. Bonzo and Haesik are sitting quietly in the middle of the living room, cuddling and looking absolutely exhausted.

“So early in the morning, too.” Jaejoong says, leaning against the doorframe with a sheet of pink fabric on his shoulder. “I’ve never seen them play so hard before. They must be showing off for you.”

Yunho smiles. “Maybe.” He says.

“Dog is really mans best friend,” Jaejoong amends. “But a sibling is better, don’t you think?”

Yunho immediately sees the implication. He looks at Jaejoong and closes his book, choosing his response carefully.

“Do you really think now is the right time to be bringing this up?”

“We’re married, Yunho. Anytime is the right time to talk about anything. I thought that was part of our vows.”

Yunho shakes his head. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

“What did you mean?” Jaejoong asks, fingers rubbing at the fabric on his shoulder. “That we shouldn’t adopt another child?”


This feeling in the pit of Yunho’s stomach must be guilt. The way Jaejoong looks at him from the doorway, face beginning to reflect that internal question of what is going wrong with their marriage. The fact that today had tricked them both into thinking everything would go back to normal. Yunho knows he’s wrong for putting this conversation off, shutting Jaejoong down before explaining how he’s incompetent as a father, a spouse and a friend, but he can’t bring himself to admit what he’s done wrong.

“We can’t fucking adopt a child when our marriage is like this.” Yunho says pointedly. “And you were stupid for having suggested it. You already know we can’t even love and take care of this child properly.” He gestures towards Haesik and Bonzo, both of whose ears have perked up at the confrontation.

Jaejoong sniffs and looks away from all three of them, turning to leave the room before Yunho can open his mouth and say anything else.

“Jae, wait.” Yunho yells, jumping up from the couch and tossing his book onto the pillows. He grabs Jaejoong by the arm before the other man can leave the room and Jaejoong turns and spits on him.

“You son of a bitch!” Jaejoong hisses, pulling his arm roughly out of Yunho’s hand. He watches as Yunho wipes the spit from his face. “Who are you, Yunho? Trying to keep me in this room with you when you have nothing better to do then berate me for wanting a bigger family. You are so full of shit it’s unbelievable!”

“Damn it, Jaejoong,” Yunho says. “I’m really trying here! I’m stressed the fuck out and I’m trying to have a relaxing day. We both know we’ve got a shit ton of troubles neither one of us can work out and you’re suggesting we add another child to our family? What, because a child is an adequate solution our problems? I can’t right now. Our relationship… we’re too fucked up to even consider this.”

“We don‘t have to be fucked up.” Jaejoong whispers. He rubs his arm where Yunho grabbed him and Yunho takes a deep breath. “This could be fixed.”

“You’re right.” Yunho responds.

Jaejoong shakes his head. “Not just ‘you’re right.‘ We have to fix this, Yunho. All of this. I‘m not doing it anymore.” He turns around and leaves the room. Yunho can hear the telltale signs of someone climbing the stairs before the soft closing of a door sounds throughout the house.

Bonzo whimpers and Haesik mimics him, both staring at Yunho’s back as he listens to his husband lock himself in solitude.

- - -

Junsu gets off of work early. Unable to take the maddening silent treatment Yoochun is giving him, he packs up his things without a word, leaves the work he has completed on his desk and hits the road.

When he makes it home, his briefcase is in his hand and he has an ice-cream container balanced in the crook of his arm. With his eyes on the prize (comfort food in the guise of a 20,000 calorie snack), he kicks the door open and rushes into what he expects to be an empty house.

Except it’s not an empty house.

“Changmin!” Junsu screeches, carton of ice-cream falling to the floor.

Changmin is sitting in the living room, clearly visible from the front door.

“Junsu.” He says, “I was wondering when you were planning on coming home.”

Junsu puts down his briefcase and longingly glances over the spilled contents of his snack. “Yeah, I’m back early, actually.” He says, closing the door with his foot before making his way to the kitchen. “I was going to eat some ice-cream then get myself to bed. What are you doing here?”

“Problems. Didn’t want to go home.” Changmin admits. His voice reverberates through the hallway and gets louder and louder until Junsu can hear that he’s right outside of the kitchen. “You want help cleaning that up?”

“I’m fine.” Junsu smiles at him, grabbing a rag from one of the drawers. “What are these problems? Are they like our high school ‘problems’? If your mom is still infringing on your personal space and you need somewhere to pull one out, you know where the bathroom is. Be my guest.”

“Nothing to do with sex.” Changmin says, biting his lip.

“Riiiight. It‘s probably something to do with a married woman, then.”


Junsu stops mid-step and turns to look Changmin up and down. “I was just joking, Changmin.”

Junsu waits for Changmin to follow suit and say ‘me too’, but when it never comes, Junsu looks at Changmin incredulously and screams, “Are you kidding me? No, no, no, no. Changmin, that’s not alright.”

“We haven’t done anything.” Changmin says. “And It’s one-sided. He’s not interested in me.”

Junsu continues back to the spilled ice-cream. Changmin follows him.

“My boss,” Junsu says, ten minutes after the silence becomes too uncomfortable “is helping some man cheat on his husband. It’s why I’m home early. You know how I feel about that sort of thing.”

Changmin sighs and slowly lowers himself to the floor, taking the rag out of Junsu’s hand. “I know. I don’t know what’s going on with me. This guy, I babysit their son, and I thought I had it under control, but I… no. It’s getting worse. God.”

Junsu pats Changmin’s thigh. “I know. You can’t control that sort of thing. Who you like. Who you don’t like. But for God’s sake, don’t act on it when you know that all it will do is destroy the lives of everyone involved. I can’t sit here and know that my boss and my best friend are doing the same thing, and treat it like it’s two different situations simply because I’ve known one of you for longer. You know I can’t work like that.”

Changmin sits silently, folding and unfolding the corners of the dirty rag. Junsu leans forward and kisses his cheek, quickly, before patting his thigh and standing up. “Maybe we need some more Ice cream. Then we can put in a movie and settle down. You just need to clear your head, maybe call off of work for a day or two to get it together.”

Changmin agrees, making a mental note to call Jaejoong tomorrow and take a few days of vacation. Junsu grabs the rag back from Changmin and tosses it into the kitchen carelessly. “Go grab me my keys and let’s hit the road. I hear some Rocky Road Icecream calling my name.”

By the end of the night, Changmin and Junsu have gone through two tubs of icecream, laughing and quoting the Spiderman movie they’ve popped in to lift their spirits. Changmin almost forgets about Jaejoong, Junsu almost forgets about Yoochun.

The movie continues to loop as both of them drift off to sleep and dream about a world where everything turns out the way it should, and nobody does what they shouldn’t.

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