(no subject)

Mar 13, 2006 22:13

Type your cut contents here.
F i r s t s

First best friend: alyssa
First car: ha never
First kiss on the lips: john
First real kiss: robbie
First break-up: john
First screen name: blupeepers716
First self purchased CD: now
First funeral: i dont remember
First pets: liddy, yeager
First true love: rob
First enemy: weird neighbors
First big trip: florida when i was like 5

L a s t s

Last car ride: I drove to pick up rob
Last kiss: rob about 5 minutes ago
Last good cry: friday after a family birthday party
Last movie seen: harry potter 4 with my brother last night
Last beverage: sunny D
Last food consumed: a grape
Last phone call: rob
Last time showered: sometime two days ago, yeah im gross
Last shoes worn: flip flops
Last item bought: a subbb

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Who are your very best friends? ann robbie
are you in a relationship? yes.

F a s h i o n | S t u f f

Where is your favorite place to shop? hollister ONLY because i work there
Any tattoos or piercings? ears
Want any? i want more ear piercings and maybe a tiny tatoo

S p e c i f i c s

Do you do drugs?: sometimes
What kind of shampoo do you use?: herbal essences
What are you most scared of?: needles, being alone, death, heights
What are you listening to right now?: my cat pur
Where do you want to get married?: somewhere beautiful and outside
How many buddies are online right now?: 80
What would you change about yourself?: i would work out more and be less lazy

F a v o r i t e s

Color: i like a lot of colors
Food: basically everything
Boys' names: james joseph michael
Girls' names: i change my mind like everyday, i hope i never have a girl
Subjects in school: weight and body, art
Animals: everything
Sports: i like to figure skate, but i like to watch all hockey, football, and kimball soccer
Perfume: yuck
Cologne: yuck

H a v e | Y o u | E v e r

Smoked? yes
Made yourself throw up?: yes
Skinny dipped?: yes
Been in love?: yes
Fallen for your best friend?: haha its the best thing thats ever happened to me
Been rejected?: ouch yes
Rejected someone?: guilty
Used someone?: no
Done something you regret?: very much so.

C u r r e n t

Clothes: skating pants (skin tight and black) and my black skating sweatshirt
Music: nada
Make-up: it pretty much all came off
Annoyance: my hip and energy
Smell: stuffed nose
Favorite Artist: i like most art thats not stupid
Desktop picture: schfifty five
DVD in player: its broken, but harry potter is in my ps2

L a s t | P e r s o n

Hugged: rob
You IMed: rob

A r e | Y o u

Open Minded: depends on what it is
Arrogant: no
Interesting: ha
Moody: verryy
Hardworking: uh no, with skating yes, but everything else no
Organized: not even close
Healthy: recently its been my task to attempt to be healthy
Bored: not really
Responsible: yes and no
Obsessed: sometimes, i get in my moods
Angry: yes most of the time
Sad: a lot of the time recently
Disappointed: kinda
Hyper: i definitely have those days
Trusting: yes
Talkative: ha to some people i just cant shut up
Legal: nope

W h o | D o | Y o u | W a n n a

Kill: some person
Slap: a lot of people
Look Like: people say i look like poeple i know, but i never know these people so i really have no idea. oh i used to look like amanda strzalkowski
Talk to Online: more people than i currently am

W h i c h | I s | B e t t e r

Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
Flowers or Candy? flowers
Tall or Short: tall
Thick or Thin: thin
Long or Short: short

R a n d o m

in the morning i am: retarded
all i need is: love
what do you notice on a person first: general appearance, good looking or not
last person you danced with: myself
worst question to ask to a crying person: why wont you tell me whats wrong
who makes you laugh the most: tim
who makes you smile? everyone
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them? certain people

D o | Y o u | E v e r

sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you? im usually on all the time anyways
wait to see if i don't IM someone first if they will IM me? ive done it before
wish you were a member of the opposite sex:? at certain times of the month
wish you were younger: no not really

N u m b e r

of times i have had my heart broken: like 4 times, 3 by the same person, way to go
of hearts i have broken: 2 or 3
of guys i've kissed: 8
of girls i've kissed: 4
of continents I have lived on: 1
of tight friends: like 1-6 depending on the day
of cds i own: plenty
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