Pursuant to the post yesterday, about the Paying It Forward challenge, I ended up with SEVEN, instead of five giftees. Poor Fritzsmomma was so pathetic, I just had to include her. The poor woman was away at a football game when I posted my challenge, and her team lost. OOOHH! Boo hoo! How could I not compensate the poor dear for her ignominious defeat?
Okaysies, so now on to le grande proclamation:
drammarnaomi_sue (the She Devil!)
fritzsmomma ( N_S's Craft Coach, and this better be good!)
jrsondaylaurenjeannietechnikoimelancholyeyes And, last but not least,
bunrab Just because I like you. And that actually makes 8! Luckily for you all, I really enjoy making things, and I LOVE giving presents. Kara, I'm gonna think up somethin' special, just for you, girlfriend! And Bunny Girl, YES....I would like a stingray, though frankly, I prefer octapussys, and seahorses. HINT, HINT. :)
So, let the games begin! This well might take me a year to complete due to all my other crafting obligations, but it will happen! Aren't you all lucky ducks?!