This post is more about the environment surrounding the garden, than actual gardening per se. But it's all one and the same in the end, isn't it
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Usually when you see two hummers feeding side-by-side peacefully, you're seeing mother and child hummers. Hot and cold running hummers....I love that image! Gotta get myself a native red honeysuckle vine so I'll have lots of hummers too.
Ah! That 'splains it, Luci! That variety of Honeysuckle is called " Alabama Crimson". Also, once again, in my haste, I mis-posted to my personal journal, what was intended for the gardening community!
I had a duplex neighbor once who put up a hummer feeder for the summer. They were never home long enough to watch them but I was. There were only three hummers that came to this feeder: a male ruby-throat, and what must have been a female and a smaller hummer who followed the female around. I nicknamed the three hummers Mr. and Mrs. Pugnacious and Pugnacious Junior. Junior generally stayed well clear of Mr. and Mrs. who fought constantly. The final wonder of that summer was when a group of migrating hummers found the feeder that fall. Mr. Pugnacious flung himself into instant battle with the group but they were having none of it. They tag-teamed him until they managed to drain the feeder dry that evening. The next day all the hummers were gone.
Pugnacious is certainly the word! They sure are little scrappers, aren't they? It always ammazes me that the tiniest of birds are the most bold and aggressive, and huge Pileated Woodpeckers are so timid and shy. They fly off as soon as they spot you, while the Hmmers could'nt give a damn!
I've had hummers fly up and hover within arm's reach of my nose as if they are daring me to try something! They are smart too. Back in late June the first of my lilies were full of fat buds about to burst into bloom. I had a hummer who came by and checked those buds daily to see how they were coming along. One day he did this while I was sitting motionless on our screened in back porch. Well, he spotted me through the screen in spite of how still I was and he flew around to the open door of the porch SO HE COULD GET A BETTER LOOK AT ME! Then, he flew off.
Hot and cold running hummers....I love that image!
Gotta get myself a native red honeysuckle vine so I'll have lots of hummers too.
They are smart too.
Back in late June the first of my lilies were full of fat buds about to burst into bloom. I had a hummer who came by and checked those buds daily to see how they were coming along. One day he did this while I was sitting motionless on our screened in back porch. Well, he spotted me through the screen in spite of how still I was and he flew around to the open door of the porch SO HE COULD GET A BETTER LOOK AT ME! Then, he flew off.
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