Hot Diggedy!

Jul 20, 2007 14:24

Here in central New York state, we have been having nice soaking rain showers for the last three or four days. As a gardener, it's all good. When you take into account that I have no outside water spigot, hence no hose, and that watering, for me, means having to haul 5-10 pounds of water from my rain barrels to my garden, it's a great thing. Then, factor in that I'm doing this on arthritic knees, one of which was surgically replaced last year....well, you get my drift. It is especially nice because the rain is followed by hours of sun. Pretty much optimum gardening conditions.

So, the upshot is that my garden is growing nicely. This makes me happy. :)

I have several herbs, some flowers, and peppers, tomatoes, ornamental kale, and eggplants growing, and recently sowed some rainbow chard. This morning, I bit the bullet and put in Daylilly bulbs, such as they were by the time I finally got to them.

Now this was no mean feat for La Guavmom, let me tell you! I planted them on a slope behind my house, between the porch and my large, old lilac bush. It is an area that presents some problems for they who mow, cause it is a fairly steep slope. That's the reason I came up with the idea of transforming it into a day lilly showcase. They will spread, once they become established, and naturalize, thus eliminating the need to mow there. I think that eventually I'd like to front them with a border of either Sedum, or Lilly of the Valley.

But the thing is, with my new knee, and the force of gravity, getting down to ground level, and not continually sliding downhill, were a bit of a challenge. However, you all know how stubborn I can be, and darned if I didn't get the job done.

My fingernails are a little worse for the wear, as I doggedly pulled up the existing grass, and the deep rooted weeds in those areas that got planted. Casualty Count: two broken fingernails.

I rested up for an hour or so, reading my herb books. I heard the mail arrive, and with it came the Lemon Eucalyptus plant I traded for a Patchouli plant with a member of the Gardening community. Within minutes, the little darling was installed in her new home amongst the rest of my lemon scented herbs.

Then it was lunch time. Reheated the ratatouille from last night, and now it's off to take my siesta.

Later folks! Have a marvy weekend!
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