Apr 21, 2006 02:25
With Bleach.
*siiiiigh* I want to watch the episodes but I don't have my computer set up yet at my place.
Most importantly however, I --- it --- makes me --- want to buy COMICS AGAIN?!?!!?
I need to buy the manga now.
Oh, yeah, I'm sure there are like so many other better artsy-fartsy indie emo high brow manga out there that maybe I should ---wtf am I saying this is Japan.
*record needle riiiiiiIIIp*
Dude, Bleach is fucking addictive. You people KNOW I'm a comic snob too! I'm hooked!
Oh man, boy oh boy do I miss the feeling of getting lost in a good story. I keep stopping myself from looking at any fansites because I keep seeing little spoilers and it's way too hard to reset my memory and forget everything I saw.
(tee-hee *waits and sees if anyone noticed*)
Not only that but that urge to draw is coming back to me. God, especially after seeing some shitty fan-art that I could still have done better as an 11 year old. Nothing leaves me wanting to barf more than shitty fan art. Especially like, stupid shitty "ohmygodIwanttohavesexwiththehotmaincharacter" fan art EWWWWW get a life you nerds!!!!
Sorry. ^^;
Ahhhhaha I used an anime smiley.
Okay I'm stopping.
Okay, maybe that fan-art WAS drawn by an 11 year old. STILL, if I went back in time to bring back my 11 year old self and told her to get obsessed with the Bleach comic and draw obsessive fan arts about it, ..duuuuuude. It would be fuckin' ON.
I would own every little 11 year old bitch's SOUL.
If anything, I really need to draw out this tattoo for the local tattoo artist because I'm sure he's thinking I'm never going to come back with the poster he wants drawn on his back..... Better get going on that.
Fucking a'. Why can't I have a life? Other than mere existance? u__u
Ahhhhaha anime smiley face again. *insert Peter Griffin laugh*
Jesus Christ I am such a nerd. But that's why you guys love me.