Oh. My.
I need to watch the movie again to determine just exactly what color brown is Jules's wallet. And, then, and ONLY then, will I list this wallet as a possible birthday gift to me.
I'll have to think of other birthday gifts for people to give me who have a hard time thinking of birthday gifts to give me (ha ha ha oh man). I normally could care less about birthday gifts. But sometimes I feel like there's someone out there who'd like to treat me out, but has no clue how. So here is your first idea. But you might already be able to guess that I prefer people to just surprise me with whatever gift they want to give me, from their own genuine heart. I don't like the idea of having a birthday wish list, or a wish list of any sort, for people to look at and think, "Hey I'm a good friend for buying this for you!", but yeah, for my good friends who have honestly no clue, this is clue #1.
ANYWAYs.... Here is a quiz. Because I really didn't feel like updating today, but part of me did, and this quiz just helped me do it.
You're sweet, but not naive -- though you like to be babied like a child at times. You prefer to have a bad boy by your side, but sometimes have problems understanding why he has to run off to take care of business. You want to settle down, yet deep down inside, you are excited by the surprises life throws your way.
Take the
What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.
Basically I'm sitting in front of a computer numbing my brains out at Leavey. I looked at my friend Arvin's webcomic
ALiveJournal for the first time in a long time and I see that nothing's really changed, at least on the webcomic. I should still talk to him, because I have't talked to him since possibly September, or even August.
Dashea still has him beat though, sorta. I did talk to her online last month, but that was after a whole year of noncontact. I still haven't see her in person in over a year as well.... Yeesh.
Hopefully, that will change once me and my compadre Cbass actually get a date set for our ever-omnipresent-infinitely-inevitable-perpetually-postponed jacuzzi party at his place. Except this first "jacuzzi party," if it EVER happens, will be a small affair between friends so we can all catch up. It will be a jacuzzi/slumber/wake-up to brunch and head to the beach all weekend long affair. Muy sexy. Plus, everyone's pajamas have to be costumish/cartoonish-themed, like Thomas the Train or Optimus Prime or something ridiculous.
So, I can't wait. Because we still don't even have a date planned, ha ha ha. We still don't even have a date planned to PLAN the date. Oh, us!
Actually, the whole point of me being here was to get started on my financial aid forms.
Well, off to homework we go. I got a good call tonight, so keep your fingers crossed. Not the job, but keep your fingers crossed for that one too. I'll surprise you about what the good call was about once I know it's actually happening.
Also I was supposed to find my stupid course materials for my accounting class... they HAVE to be somewhere in the mess that is my stuff. I don't want to pay $20 for a passkey to the online part of the course only to find the damn card soon after. Oooouugh, that wascaly wabbit! I'll just do the homework manually tonight. I -should- be able to find it.. but it's really important that I get the homework done anyways whether I find it this week or not. If I don't find it by the end of this weekend I'll bite the bullet and buy the damn thing.
Creature from the Black Lagoon: mmmmmmwwwrraaaaaaaauuuggghhhhhhhAAAAAAAHHhhhhhhhhh..nnnnggghh...bbleelleghglelhglehgleghlhahelkgdgkd.
Actually, how would you simulate the sound of gooeyness and sticky arms and neck and spine slowly flailing through the thick seepy fog of yawn? That's originally what I wanted to type for a title, but then I thought, "since when was the last time I thought about the Creature from the Black Lagoon? That crazy joker!" Actually... I have no idea what I'm talking about. Was it a horror movie? or a cartoon???
This looks cute. More and more I want to start my comic... it's still cooking though. In a slow cooker, but this way when it's done, it's done and all the flavors and parts gel together perfectly in one yummy congealed mass.
Edit: Eww it was too cutesy mainstream-pop-manga for me, judging from the last 5 or so pages... Drawn exceptionally well for the style. I swear it coulda been straight outta Japan. But like I said, too mainstream for me, at least for my tastes right now. I will always heart Sailor Moon! XD I need to find that artist again who was drawing NYX.. Joshua Middleton. Anything new from him? ...*looks* (I have time to kill, waiting for a ride home..) Here we
I love his style because it reminds me of the character sketches for the game Street Fighter Alpha (Zero in Japan), which have this light, thin, yet lean strength in their clean lines... much like a good fighter's form if you think about it. I need to see more of his stuff, I fell in love with it right away..