8:00AM - 9:20AMDANCE 31 (1585)1.5 hrs free timeDANCE 311.5 hrs free timeNO CLASS9:30AM - 10:50AM1.5 hrs free timeKIN PE 48B (2310)1.5 hrs free timeKIN PE 48BNO CLASS11:00AM - 12:30PMACCT 1 (1005)1.5 hrs free timeACCT 11.5 hrs free timeACCT 112:45PM - 1:50PMMATH 23 (2432)MATH 23MATH 23MATH 23NO CLASS
Spring Final Exams Tue, Jun 6 - Tue, Jun 13, 2006
Spring Semester ends Tues, Jun 13, 2006
Washington’s Birthday Mon, Feb 20, 2006
Staff Development Day (Campus Closed) Tue, Mar 7, 2006
Spring Break Mon, Apr 10, 2006 to Fri, Apr 14, 2006
Faculty Flex Day (No Classes) Fri, May 26, 2006
Memorial Day Mon, May 29, 2006
Did you know that it takes FIVE YEARS to recover from a mini nervous breakdown?
Did you know that you NEVER RECOVER from a full (meaning you have to be hospitalized) mental breakdown?
I learned that today. Wow. I'll post details later. Important thing to know is that I am now set for SMC. *praises Allah*
Edit, 10:20pm:
Week 1: (Jan 30-Feb 3)
1. Pay for SMC registration. - Wed AM
2. Get offical documentation of SMC Registration. -Wed
3. Go to LAAFB for new ID card and re-enrollment under dad's insurance -Wed
4. Call for doctor's appointment for next week (Feb 06-10) -Wed AM
1. Who the hell is Chad? Look up that handwritten list to solve the mystery... - Thu
5. Wait for parental monetary help, by Friday hopefully
6. Wait on FedEX re courier position - by Thurs/Friday
7. turn in Sephora application... weekend?
Week 2: (Feb 6-Feb 10)
8. Go see doctor
9. Find bartending manual
10. Find bartending flash cards
11.Find bartending school phone number
12.Call bartending school for class times
13.Go to bartending classes at night, practice + memorize, get CERTIFIED
14. Start school the 13th of Feb *crosses fingers*, get acquainted with schedule
artending school
15. Buy books for swim & ballet if required.
16. Buy bus pass.
17. Play the waiting game for jobs.