Ok kids, here you go.

Aug 25, 2005 17:24

Uhhh... NOTHING.

Last time you heard from me, I was homeless and sleeping on people's couches. But I have my own place now. Well, not so much "MINE" as it is a three bedroom apartment in a three unit townhouse, 4 blocks west of campus.

It's got a fireplace, free parking out back, a cute kitchen and a really nice bathroom. I think we'll have most of the place settled in by the beginning of October and I want to have a housewarming party by the end of October, maybe ... YES. A "HALLOWEEN HOUSEWARMING"!!! *dies in orgasm* Actually, no.

It's gonna be a...


There are gonna be pineapples all over the place. Posters of hula girls and guys everywhere, tiki torches, and everyone has to dress Hawaiian-themed. Whoever comes in dressed as a pineapple and a coconut (a couple, romantic or best pals, would be cool) gets free mixed drinks all night.

It's not gonna be an open bar because this party can easily see 300 people. The main drink for the night will be, of course, Blue Hawaiians, and there's gonna be blue and black (and red, rowr!) lights all over as well. Other mixed drinks will be Piña Coladas, Sex on the Beach, and.. well, can't think of anything else appropriately themed right now, but mixed drinks will only be $1 each. Well... If they're gonna be that cheap... I'll have well drinks on hand, and lots of Jack.

And to top it off: we're gonna have a pit out back and roast a pig. It won't be huge or anything. I'm going to have to get clearance from the local FD for this one, I can tell.. :-D

This thing is gonna cost me though. $300 if I really work my cheapness, but I'll make sure not to get it past $500. But the money for the drinks should help offset the cost.

Man, I would REALLY love to get this party rolling.. I just can't think about it too much right now because I am so. dirt. poor. *cries*

And now, an IM conversation:

Boy: so we're having a party saturday night
Moi: I remember you told me :-)
Moi: when should I drop by?
Boy: moratorium is lifted at 9:00
Boy: so we'll have all the fresh pledges and some kegs
Boy: hopefully DPS won't shut us down again
Boy: come by whenever
Boy: 11 or so
Moi: ok
Boy: party will be going until 1-2
Boy: so as to not get a citation
Boy: I'm Vice President now
Moi: Wow.
Moi: *golf clap*
Moi: :-)
Boy: it basically means I have to go talk to LAPD and DPS whenever they roll up
Boy: ....and sometimes it's hard to talk right after a keg stand
Boy: and with a beer bottle war going on behind you
Boy: but hey
Moi: ha ha ha I think you can do it ;-)
Boy: you're not going to recognize me
Boy: i'm platinum
Boy: I look exactly like the director of Coffee and Cigarettes, Jim Jarmusch
Boy: check it out:
Moi: link?
Boy: http://www2.filmweb.no/multimedia/archive/00028/Coffee_and_Cigarette_28593a.jpg
Boy: except I cut the hair a little more last week
Moi: I always wanted to see Coffee and Cigarettes
Moi: You crazy kid
Moi: funny thing, I was thinking about going blonde, but more like Shakira
Boy: oh my god that would be so fucking hotSo yeah tomorrow, Friday, I'm going dancing with some friends at a gay club, then Sat-- oh crap, I totally told this guy I was gonna go on a date with him on Saturday night. I'm sure I can doublebook. As long as I'm back for the party by 11pm, I'm all well and happy. ^_^

So as I said, I am so. dirt. poor. right now. *tear* I'm going to have to apply for temp jobs again it looks like.

SO, an acquaintance of mine offered me the following temp agency (this is a blatant note to self):Randstad
515 S Figueroa ST Suite 340
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone 213-891-0044
Fax 213-891-0066
Yeah, because APPLE ONE SUCKS. They never freakin' called back after giving me a one-day assignment. How lame.

Oh, yeah, just in case I didn't mention, I was fired from my last job in Hollywood that I may have mentioned earlier. They didn't give me a reason, or rather, the guy who was managing that night didn't have a clue because we had never met and no reason was left for him except an earlier warning about tardiness, which was old hat because after that warning the managers, especially the GM, told me I was doing a great job. They fired me after I told them I was moving into a new apartment. Do you know how far back getting fired from this job pushed me?

HA, not far actually, those stupid bastards, I hope karma dishes back to you what you so uncaringly dished out to me. Basically, they tried calling me, on my day off, instead of telling me in person, but when they couldn't reach me, they simply left a phone number, and that's how I got the bad news.

GUTLESS. Well, maybe I'm being too harsh. Maybe that's the easiest way to tell someone. Wait, who are we kidding, having other employees call you to tell you the bad news and not having to be around to tell the unfortunate employee in person is the most ridiculously easy way to fire someone. And spineless, and RUDE. Just plain inconsiderate, like my two weeks going to work there didn't even fucking matter, you assholes. What a way to treat an employee. (like useless shit!)

So because of that incident, I'm thinking I probably wasn't meant to work there. I mean I liked my coworkers but what a way to fire someone. That's just not classy. I deserve way better than that. Maybe there's some section in the manager's instruction manual that directs managers to fire their employees in this very indirect way so as to avoid any physcial/emotional outburst on the job.


BUT STILL! That's so spineless!! Getting fired like that made me want to go back there and just YELL and CORNER the bastard in front of ALL THE CUSTOMERS and make a huge public scene!!! And just totally ruin his day. Grr.

Well, I'm done with that. It's time to find a better job. Or rather, just a job. ^^;;;

Tomorrow, if I can find $3 to buy bus fare (I really am that broke, folks... it's sickening), I'm applying to Sam Ash on Sunset, who I know for sure is hiring. Then I'm speaking to my landlord and letting him know I'm kinda fucked jobwise (except I'll say it in a more positive way than that), and then I'm going to get my uncle's phone number and ask for a loan.

Because I can't ask my parents for money. I simply can't, it's not right, they're about to go on vacation to Puerto Rico.. holy crap, they're already there (since the 24th). ... ...........hm. That means I can have some frank conversations with my sister and not worry about my Dad or Mom asking why I'm asking for Uncle Joe's phone number and then asking if I need any money. I don't want them to worry, especially when they're taking their first vacation in over 11 years together.

They wanted me to come with them, but I dunno... I'm thinking a plane ticket at this point would just cost too much unless I went ahead and reserved right now... *sigh* I think it might be better for them to just go together without the kids (me) tagging along though, because they haven't had any time at all to spend solely with each other together in such a long, long time, and I think they need it. Anyways, there's always next year.

Speaking of my parents, (uh-oh! Do you sense a novella-type entry in the works here, readers?!) I'm planning this huge trip to NYC for them for their.. *counts* 37th Anniversary!!! God, God, GOD I really want this to happen!!! After this insane year, (didn't you notice how little I posted? YEAH. It was bad. I'll have to recount later...) I really just want to do something for our family, to help us come together again and just celebrate instead of mourn. So, when I -DO- get a job, I'm going to save a lot and invest a lot and set up a nice travel package to happen around Christmas Eve (December 24th), their Anniversary (the 28th), New Year's Eve (the 31st), and Three Kings Day (January 6th). ... Actually, when does the big Christmas Tree get lit up in Rockefeller Center? I would LOVE for us to fly in on that day and have that be our first thing to see, to set up the mood for our whole stay... But if it's too early, well, it's okay, we can do without that. I'd love for us to have a good 4 weeks actually... so maybe we can see the tree get lit. Hmm... I'll have to look into that, and it's also another good reason to have Uncle Joe's phone number. I said it was a loan, fools, but if he decides to give the money to me, well, I'm not going to balk about it!

So, here's the dream planning so far: I want us to come into New York in time to see the Tree get lit.. we'll go around visiting family for the next week or so, and I'll bug everyone to tell me stories of the family's history in the five boroughs, and hopefully, if the places didn't get torn down, Mom and Dad can show me where their families lived, where Grandpa's carneceria used to be, the church they got married in, the apartment they first lived in as newlyweds, the hospital my Sis was born in... God, you know, I never really got a chance to ever meet, let alone get to know, my family in New York (let alone PUERTO RICO). But this is my chance to make things better along those lines...

Christmas Eve will be beautiful, we'll go to Midnight Mass at the Church my parents were married in, and then of course on the 28th I'll have them .. ah, crap what's the word, re-an... basically say their Vows again publicly in mass... what day is the 28th this year? ..*looks* It's a Wednesday. The 31st is a Saturday.... New Year's Day is a Sunday. Maybe Sunday would be better, but if they want something more private... Well, it's up to them, whatever makes them happy :-)

And then of course, Three King's Day, the last day of Christmas, and NYC is chock full o' freakin' Ricans so it's gonna be a par-tay!!! Man. I really want this to happen. *crosses fingers*

Well, all this talk about marriage has got me thinking about love and sex. Bwa ha ha. What a joke.

I really should go into detail about how once again, I got burned. There might still be a chance, but.. You know, I'll just give it time, it still stings to think that once again I somehow ruined my chances at having an awesome relationship with an awesome guy. The second time within a year.

You know, I'm so sick and disgusted with guys who want nothing but sex from me. That's all it's been these two years. I'm just a pretty little sex doll to them. For once, I just want a guy to want me, with no pressure of sex. And because of that, I'm going to try, once again, to not have sex for an entire year. I'm even thinking of making it two years, to really have a clean slate, but I'm not going to get too far ahead of myself now. We all know just how much yo quiero el sexo. But the fact that I'm declaring this outloud in my little personal/public soap box in cyberspace just simply means that I definitely have the willpower now to stick with it, unlike when I declared it outloud to a bunch of fratboys who probably knew me better than I knew myself at the time. *...sigh...* Again, I'll go into more detail about all of that mess.

I kinda started my abstinence this week. Officially, it's gonna start September 1st. But I already started, to get some wind beneath my wings... .... ... ....ha ha, legs? Oh God, that was bad.

No. More. Sex. Wanna know why? ... well, you're just gonna have to wait till next entry!

Lots of love my hunnybunches,


And before I forget, a to-do list:
Damn, when was the last time you guys saw one of these?!
  • E-mail resume off to Winnie for PA spot for pilot, email resume to Clint just in case his place is hiring, email resume off to Andy, Neri, or C-Bass to get printed copies
  • Ask Ty about that crazy-stupid $18/hr job
  • Find $3 for bus fare tomorrow
  • Call Sis for Uncle Joe's #
  • Get printed copies of resume at Leavey Library (hook up w/ Andy on that!) or other peep's place
  • Give a resume to the Two-Nine
  • Talk to landlord (oh God..)
  • Give a resume to Randstad
  • Go to the Body Shop to see if I can practice pole tricks during the day
  • Go to Sam Ash Sunset and apply for a job!
  • Come back and go to La Barca after 6 to see if they're hiring
  • Party it up!

Yes, I did say I was considering dying my hair blonde...
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