Feb 10, 2012 20:12
If someone ever told you that love hurts, truer words have never been spoken.
You care for someone... time carves it deeper and wider... and eventually care transforms into love.
You love him so suddenly, so deeply... as cliche as it might sound, no one has ever made you feel like this - ever -
The love you have for him pleases you... and hurts you at the same time...
You can't breathe... the feeling crushes you... the yearning traps you...
You wonder whether this love is worth all these feelings of hurt... and bliss...
You wonder whether you can keep yourself sane from bouncing back and forth from happy to sadness...
You wonder whether it will ever lessen with time... wonder if you ever want it to fade away... wonder if you'd ever miss it if it did fade...
And then, you can't breathe...
I want to love him...
I want to spend my whole life with him...
It's something I've been searching for my whole life...
He makes me alive in a way I never thought and knew I could...
But when he hurts me... using my love for him to hurt me... however unintentional it was...
I can't breathe...
World becomes smaller...
The air becomes scarcer...
My heart beats faster...
My limbs freezes...
And my mind asks my heart whether is this going to worth it?
Make me believe that this is going to worth it.
I want to be convinced, to be assured and to be reminded...
That this love is going to overcome the hurt...
That the breathlessness is going to go away...
That the air is there for me to breathe in for the rest of my life...
That despite it all...
I can breathe again...