(no subject)

Sep 08, 2005 22:11

first day back on air and WHOOOT!!!!
we did grrr8. except for some minor glitches that no one saw, but wutev.

i heard the G was proud of my skills today.. *kick some dirt off yer shoulder*

we saw the video of the football game performance today, flags did ok-- until like the middle, then it all got shot to hell during the ballad. its all good... i hope they learn their stuff soon though cuz me and danouh are sabres in Medea so yeeaaah.

i hate my final drill spot. its like all the way in BFE and i wanted to make an intense face to the judges after i slam my big beautiful flag on the floor for the last time at States in Tampa. *le sigh*.

i hate amy hernandez FO LYF. and a half. and maybe a little longer after that.

i never thought i'd say this, but im so excited about this season! we basically finished the show today, all we have to do is add work and clean it. and we have 4 weeks to do that. so SCORE. that means "As Darkness Approaches" is more than likely going to be our most successful show to date. and its my senior year.


so football game vs reef on saturday!!!
HOPE Y'ALL READY TO LOSE!! haha. and i really want to hear you scream my name when i come out to the field.

this is a long entry. im tired. i still have to study for my AP Psych test tomroow!! eek!!

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