(no subject)

Oct 30, 2007 21:50

damn it CON-CAMP....shall not grief any more over con-camp....even though i'm still fuming at getting dumped in it.....

YEAH tomorrow HellGate London comes out XDXDXD (good thing) 
Elmo will be there XDXD (good thing...haven't seen my cosplay friends in ages) 
MY MOTHER IS COMING O_o (cosplayers + my mother = warfare...... BAD THING....i hopes she takes it well) 
CON-CAMP for 2 bloody weeks and re-exam after (BAD THING)

FREEDOM IS ON THE HORRISON !!! XDXDXDXD my target is to finish ALL (emphasis on the ALL) my Internal Assessments and the bloody Extended Essay thesis by the end of this month...so that i can have the WHOLE of the last month of december to play XDXDXDXD ( i HIGHLY DOUBT that...seeing that i have like 8 english texts to read through *cries)

hummmm wonder if i should join the halloween party at my house tomorrow XD afterall halloween is a day MEANT for cosplayers XD
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