history...and bits to tid

Jan 07, 2010 22:45

zzz was overly high and slightly mad thanks to Tezy's surprise b-day party yesterday which coincidentally occurred a street behindstrife_cosplay 's place O.O ...all the crack and what nots getting to my head >< still somehow managed to misplace my camera lens cap though...oh well...cheers to sakai_chan    for the epic potato salad XD *fufuufufufufuuuu* making Buchou's brain implode from fangirling is FAR FARRRRR too fun....ironically its good for getting into Ivan Bragianski's character >< (and yeah i've finally decided to cosplay Ivan....i'll elaborate in another para)...oh and spread the word i've uploaded the entire stack of Buchou brain exploding photos onto photobucket...its password locked though so send me an sms if you want the password XD

oh and about Ivan...yeah i was researching on Russian history thanks to my uber epic history unit next semester....Russia from 1400 to 1800 A.D. yes 400 years of Romanov history..... NA POMASCH !!!!! Mnye oomiryet !!!!!!! >.> yes and i'll have to pick up bits of Russian as well >.> so yes hetalia has not served to stop my obsession with history at all >.< actually my history research has led to my brain imploding over what the general hetalia community may consider a complete crack pairing >.> Russia and Austria....unfortunately my insanity has been substantiated by my craptastic history research >.< heres why:

ever wonder why the doubled headed eagle is on BOTH russia's AND Austria's coat of arms ? well heres a little tidbit for you...it has to do with the legend of the 3rd Roman empire...more specifically heres a rougher summary....

1) the Hampsburg family served the holy roman empire (see Austria-san in Holy Roman Empire's house) to such an extent that the Holy Roman Empire rewarded the Hampsburg family by allowing them to use the symbol of the Empire, aka the double headed Eagle as their family crest

2) the last relative of the last emperor of the Byzantine Empire (Rome of the East, its actually the same thing as Roman Empire>.> just a distinction of periods which does not need to be elaborated on for this particular care) (niece)  was married to Ivan III, the Great of Russia, (Ivan tends to be a popular name cause Ivan=John in russia >.> and apparently this Ivan was the one to tossed China's tartar / mongol horde out of Russia's vital regions >.> ) hence Moscow was known as the 3rd Rome but as you can see from history a significant proportion of Europe (particularly the Germanic states) refused to accept a Rome in a majority Slavic region >.> not to mention the fact that Russia wasn't even fully consolidated back then >.> (see the fact that only his grandson gained the title of Tsar of Russia)

that aside the Germanics weren't very happy with Russia initially during the time of the Toubles (yes its actually called that but in Russian >.> very practical people the russians) and well sent imposters to try and claim Russia's throne (mainly princes from Hungary) but when Russia finally established Austria (being the usual practical self and inclined to marriage alliances) started an epic trend of marrying off members of the Hampsburg family into the Russian tsardom >.> and never had an all out war with Russia unlike Prussia who's on off relationship with Russia can be categorized as PMS at worst >.>

righto thats more than enough History spam for once >< back to research...and yes Buchou's China AIYA kills me every time ><

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