
Aug 11, 2009 20:49

ok as much as this is not often said (and it may be reflective of my suicidal, mentally unstable state) despite my constant unit overloading, double degree, double major (trying triple >.>)   I AM time table gives me 16 hours a week of in uni time and for some unexplicable reason I AM BORED !!!!! >.> theres nothing much for me to do when i get back home....even if i spend 4 hours a day on uni work which is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too much i'm still for lack of a better word EMPTY >.> i do believe this is the problem of taking units and subjects you utterly enjoy cause there isn't so much to study more like just reading for fun and knowledge......i only wow for 2 hours aka raids not that i don't want to wow more but oh well >.> stupid ausie internet download limit >.< GAHHHH !!! I WANT MY ESSAY QUESTIONS NOW SO I CAN STARTTTTT !!!

zzz on the brighter side i think i'm gonna come back to singapore during my one week break from 5th to the 13th September XD and do believe that after a decent 3 weeks of debating matches with my parents i'm in the clear for ONE cosplay >.> brilliant >.> oh well i'll take my time to persuade them i guess....right now back to drafting proposal for my history unit's epic role play >.< friggin france of all people i'm france *mutters about france not doing ANYTHING right during the conventional war period of WW II and THEN CHOOSING TO FRIGGIN FISH IN TROUBLED WATERS DURING THE GERMAN OCCUPATION AND AFTER THE WAR

(reminds me too much of hetalia that i can't help but snort and try to cover my laughter with coughs and chokes when my tutor talks about the "oppertunistic nature of france and how france can REALLY REALLY hold a grude; see treaty of Versailles and France's unwillingness to accept UK into the EU initially possibly due to UK's unwillingness to merge Marry France due the channel crisis >.< ) 
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