the gauntlet

Jul 30, 2009 23:15

so it has begun.....

great the expected nuclear melt down of my parents with regard to cosplaying as occured (i swear i must have some form of foresight)

my dad's conception of cosplay is weird colored hair + weird dressing (see fishnet stockings) + everything weird and out of the world

my mum is agaisnt the idea cause quote " you can't have everything in this world...we let you play wow, ds, psp and now this ? no."

my apparent statement: "so if i play wow only until say september then stop so during that time i do my cosplay stuff can?"

the expected unanimous answer.... NO

father's rational " WASTE TOO MUCH TIME"


my arguement (you know its not a good thing letting your daughter go to Law school AND arts school where we learn too much about puting our arguements forward and thinking philosophically)

"how much time did i spend the last time i cosplayed ?"

parents response: ........................................
mother: ok i admit not alot 
father: .....she got cosplay before ? (apparently the time i spent preping was so tiny and insignificant THAT HE CAN"T EVEN REMEMBER )

Both: but still Cosplaying has no value...just waste time

Me: there is no value in me playing games as well.....or if anything little of significant value.......btw note that you watching the TV or movies have no significant value in those terms as well....why can't i do Cosplay just for the sake of fun? Its not as though i am trying drugs or jumping out of a plane......side question why do people smoke....or for that matter why do you watch korean dramas ?


so apparently the present state the only option for cosplaying is giving up wow until november >.>

well at least i have another month or so to persuade my parents....wish me luck

btw <3 s to Konatsu and Aya-tan who made me feel better XD *glomps both*
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