May angels lead you in

Oct 11, 2011 22:14

My Pop passed away this morning. He's been sick for a long time, on and off my whole life. I remember growing up many trips to the hospital to say our last goodbyes to him! Everytime he would fight back, I was almost convinced that the old bugger would live forever.

Despite it being a long time coming, it's still a shock when it finally happens. At least I know he's found peace now, he no longer has to fight.

I am lucky for the time I had with my Pop. As the oldest I was fortunate enough to know him when he was well enough to do things with. We used to walk to the deli to get the paper on the weekend and I would get a bag of mixed lollies. Then we'd walk home and on the way we'd stop at the play ground and go on the see saw and swings.

When he was younger my Pop was a cyclist and I know he was really stoked to know I had taken up cycling.

I'll miss my Pop like crazy.

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