Feb 05, 2007 21:10
the last two days have been pretty interesting...
i went with heather to robert's yesterday for his super bowl 'party' and we got drunk lol... heather was absolutely hilarious! well, a little annoying, but she was soooo loopy! i was great :P
anyway... XD
the main reason i went to roberts was so that i could meet one of his friends, david... because supposedly he's liked me since the last time i was at robert's, which was two months ago and i think i only saw david for like five minutes, but w/e :P
anywhoo... things went pretty good... okay, very good :P he's really sweet, and funny... it was really nice, because we ended up talking A LOT and it was nice because it's been a while since i've had someone i felt that comfortable talking with... :)
anywayz... he's supposed to call me in a little bit (i hope he does! lol!) so yep...
goodnight everyone! :P