Your Political Profile:Overall: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalSocial Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalPersonal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalFiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalEthics: 25% Conservative, 75% LiberalDefense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You? so with ethics i am liberal and with crime i'm more conservative. everything else i'm 50/50...considering that there were only twenty questions, i'm not expecting an exact answer..however..where do i fit in? I'm all for abortion, totally for death penalty, gay marraige should be legalized, and, as of now, it is more important to lessen our debt.
Who the heck do I vote for?? The prelims already happened and I didn't vote. I feel awful but at the same time I didn't know who to vote for. I'm registered as a Democrat but I have strong views on the Republican side. It's hard to choose these days, who to be your leader. How do you trust anyone that calls your phone with their voice on a machine telling you to vote for them?? What do they expect? How do you expect a number of people to vote for you when all we see are your signs? Voting isn't as enforced in schools like they were. Voting was a priviledge and now no one cares. No one cares because the only people running don't seem to care about us. Not even the decency to actually put themselves out there.
I'm sorry, but I know that the candidates spend a LONG WHILE on this planning and this day is SO important. However, no one goes out and votes because they really don't put themselves out there. They are just trying to get approval by the rich, powerful people and aren't paying attention to the younger generation. They don't pay attention to the older generation.
It just pisses me off when I get 5 calls in a half-hour from a machine telling me to vote for them. I'm sorry, I don't vote for lazy fucks.