Happens loads and loads of times in
Fan Fiction, where, because
Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls, the usual genders are most frequently seen flipped, with the female getting double-teamed by the two hot male characters the fic writer can't choose between.
Dear TV Tropes: consider that OT3s are sometimes not a matter of "can't choose", but rather CHOOSES BOTH.
No love,
Guardian's Song
(And yaaaaaay, totally handwaving every fic where it's two OR MORE girls and a guy! I totally imagined all those Harem Fics on FF.net, guys!)
My apologies, but I've shifted over the years from automatically mocking the "fanbrats" to regarding the more "enlightened" fans with as much suspicion as their simpler counterparts. There's an awful damn lot of talking down to female fans when male fans are let off with a smile and a wink, for one.
I also note sullenly that the Rooting For The Empire page looks an awful lot like the Draco In Leather Pants page from the other side of the strawman. Take that as you will.
Though it does have at least one wonderful quote.
Twilight features the three tracker vampires who are trying to kill
Bella, which is seen by some as a sympathetic aim. "
And this linked page (
http://flyingmoose.org/tolksarc/theories/arag_arw.htm) has one very amusing quote:
"How would you react if the descendent of Charlemagne showed up in Paris today to claim kingship over France, bringing in the shroud of Turin as the evidence?"
TL;DR - TV Tropes is at its best when people aren't opining on things, since it's not exactly objective, despite all pretenses. Fortunately, I was mainly on TV Tropes to read through the Yandere page... :D Wish there were more examples of two-way yanderes, but I suppose one has to do that oneself.
Incidentally, for all that they're called such by some antis, Bella and Edward are really not yanderes. They talk a big game about how yandere they are, but they do very little in the way of showing that obsession. I mean, remember that part where Bella tracked Edward across the country rather than let him escape? Oh, good, neither do I. Remember the part where Edward solved the entire "my family is full of carnivores" problem by grabbing Bella and forcibly "eloping" to another state, well away from the other Cullens? Well, good, neither do I. Those are admittedly outright loony examples, but frankly, Edward's canonical murderous behavior isn't truly yandere. When he gets homicidal ideas about the werewolves because Bella's around them, it's because he can't bear to share Bella with THEM, not because he can't bear to SHARE BELLA with them. When he thinks about tearing human love interests to pieces, it's not out-of-the-ordinary behavior - he USUALLY wants to kill people who annoy or appeal to him, so what's new?
Bella gets kind of yandere, but IIRC only towards New-Moon!Jacob (when she's thinking about making him hers) - her nominal inferiority complex prevents her from getting overly possessive regarding Edward. ...She also gets yandere about Renesmee, come to think of it, but let's not think about that too hard.
As for the non-creepy yandere traits? I REALLY don't think New Moon counts, because Edward voluntarily separated himself from Bella and then wangsted about it. Bella's behavior would count much more if she'd actually tried to get the REAL Edward back, but instead she was a bit too occupied with psychotic delusions to do much aside from attempting to manipulate the voices in her head. The LITERAL voices in her head. Others may count that as genuine yandere behavior, but I have a hard time taking her behavior towards delusion!Edward as indicating much of anything when she was a hop, skip, and a jump away from making out with a trampoline and calling salt shakers her children. I think of yandere status as requiring more... conscious behavior.
Hell, ALICE is about as yandere as Edward. She happily looks forward to becoming friends with a girl she doesn't even know at the time, tries to shove Edward into romancing a girl his conscience doesn't want him to get anywhere near partly so she and that girl will become BFFs, makes that girl wear the clothes of her choosing whenever she can, personally heads back to check on that girl during New Moon (and Carlisle and Esme were... what? Just doing their nails and watching Mexican soap operas?), apparently spent time dressing that girl up while she lay half-dead, throws tantrums when that girl deviates from her plan, meticulously planned out a wardrobe the size of a small house for that girl... Yeah, about as yandere as Edward. (If not more so... Just remember, she wasn't working off a confused predatory compulsion that turned into a protection complex. Nope, that's all Alice talking. *wolf whislte*)
So, really? Bella and Edward are shitty yanderes. They ramble on about how obsessed they are, but when it actually comes time for them to do something really over-the-top and terrify the audience, they... wimp out. (Yes, I remember the watching-her-sleep. So? That's apparently all he does. He could be surfing OhNoTheyDidn't all night while sitting next to her and we'd never know. Not exactly impressive on the batshit-insane scale.)
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