Watched Bad Movie Beatdowns, played FE: Awakening, did some art, ate at Subway. Aside from that, I read a bunch of snark blogs, and... um...
...I also did three sets of Berlitz French flashcards and one Berlitz lesson. *sigh* I'll just declare this a day off and be done with it.
Cautious snark-blog rec:
Ramblings of a Creative Double Dipper I have to admit that the blogger grates on me sometimes, as she comes off as sanctimonious and condescending, but she snarks a lot of books that other people haven't done (Cerulean Sins, The Wolf Gift, A Caress of Twilight, and Seduced By Moonlight, amongst others), so beggars can't be choosers.
I also saw the
Up-Goer Five strip of XKCD, which is both hilarious and informative. And in belated news, scientists found the exact structure of the
HIV capsid, which is a target for some anti-HIV therapies. You know, just in case you doubted that people were still working on HIV. (Sorry. A social-justice post on Tumblr implied that ~the establishment~ stopped caring about AIDS in the 90s, which is such a load of bullshit I don't even - NEVER MIND. Oh, by the way, check your bloody privilege.
AIDS is NOT just an issue for gay first-worlders, you gibbering imbec- NEVER MIND. *breathes through teeth* Tumblr is fun for fandoms, but SJWers do iiiinteresting things to the blood pressure. I'm fine now. I'm fine. :D;;)
Ah... what else? Very uneventful day, all right. I suppose I ought to do more things to make it more interesting. *sigh* Monday will be more interesting, since I have to attend a meeting. And hopefully I'll do some exercise.
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