Subjugation (Chapter 2/24, Part 1)

Jan 08, 2010 00:26

=Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter and all related characters, Ravenkiss owns this fic, and CLAMP owns C!Syaoran in all his eyeball-munching glory. I only own this sporking and Roy and Elbe, who show up occasionally to make comments.

Oh, and Notwillingtoadmit owns Dark Eyes. You’ll know the quotes when you see them.=

WARNINGS: AU, Dark Fic, M/M Rape, Mpreg, coerced consent, Heavy on the Angst
SUMMARY: Dumbledore insists that the marriage be consummated immediately.

Part 2 -Wedding Night

Albus: Must we return to this again?

Gellert: Wretched Muggle.

Guardian’s Song: You do realize you lot are the ideal team for this, right?

Aberforth: Even us?

Guardian’s Song: A bit…

Ariana: Why?

Guardian’s Song: You’ll find out. |D

Gellert: …

*The Headmaster's somewhat darkened, cluttered study, considerably later then tea time…*

Albus Dumbledore and his new bond mate Severus Snape-Dumbledore tumbled out of the massive fireplace in a cloud of soot and dust. Severus stepped out and stood stiffly with his back to the older wizard brushing gray soot from his black robes. Whose robes? Snape’s or Dumbledore’s? And did the author forget a comma, such that “brushing gray soot from his black robes” was supposed to apply to Snape?

He felt confused, numb, but mostly just relieved that he was finally away from those dirty-minded fools of the Wizongamot. Well, then, thank goodness the Wizengamot is nothing like that.

Once the Bonding paperwork had been filled out, the rings were exchanged: damnably gaudy, if expensive-looking COMMA!

Albus: Why are “gaudy” and “expensive” implied to be incompatible?

gold monstrosities complete with ruby-eyed Gryffindor Lions.

Albus: *bristles* I am capable of far more subtlety than that, I assure you.

At the very least, could the author not even have been bothered to try phoenixes? I only have one as my companion later on and named my organization “the Order of the Phoenix”, after all. When have I been lion-obsessed? Ah… I believe “never” is the answer.

The short ceremony was performed, and then the entire Wizongamot Wizengamot had been called to celebrate Dumbledore's marriage and impending fatherhood.

It had been absolute Hell.

Severus had found he was surrounded by over fifty men, all in their eighties or older, each with his mind firmly entrenched in the gutter! Hey! Who are you calling “over eighty”?! I’m under thirty, I’ll have you know!

Guardian’s Song: *ignores Roy* Well, better that (for someone sporking the fic) than “each with his or her mind firmly entrenched in the platonic character of Harry and Draco’s relationship, even as Draco calls Harry “striking”, the two of them stretch out on the grass together and Harry admires Draco’s looks, and the two are literally freakin’ SOUL-BONDED”. That is… er… fascinating to behold.

All they could do was pinch his arse and make sly coded references as to what Dumbledore would do with his new 'wife' as soon as the happy couple was alone.

Yes, as if it were not bad enough already, by the end of the evening they had all used the term 'wife' when referring to him. Consensus amongst the entire somewhat inebriated bunch of perverts was, to quote Phillip Walters, "Look, Oold boy, let's get down to brass tacks. Severus has a cunt, right? He is going to be the one to spread his legs, right? And he is the one who is up the duff, right? That obviously makes him the wife."


Guardian’s Song: :D The fic is sporking slash clichés! See, I told you it wasn’t as bad as it could be!

Gellert: How desperate are you?

Guardian’s Song: I think my standards may have been permanently damaged by the Fics-That-Must-Not-Be-Named. Besides, this isn’t such a bad badfic. Psychopaths are punished in the end instead of being the heroes, rape is bad, the woobies are actually hapless innocents rather than whiny sociopaths, and the prose, even if grammatically incorrect, isn’t unreadable from the sheer purpleness. As such… it’s such an innocent by badfic standards. *pets it*

Albus: It’s centered around an evil version of my older self raping a hermaphroditic Severus Snape.

Guardian’s Song: Yes, well, um… at least that’s supposed to be a bad thing?

Those dirty old men were positively obsessed with thoughts of the Grand High Wizard's

Aberforth: Stop increasing his titles! He’s bad enough as it is!

mighty 'wand' and what he would do with it once he got Severus in his bed. Just hold your yearly orgy and get it over with.

Did they think he could not hear them? Or were they so certain that he was unhinged that he could not comprehend that they were treating him like some empty-headed child?

Ariana: Both?

Albus: *sighs* *looks down* Ariana, I admit that, in anger or frustration, I may have said things that I now regret…

Aberforth: After she went after you for them, you mean?

Albus: *deep sigh*

He supposed that he was like a child to them being nearly fifty years younger then than any of the lot. But their drunken lusty ogling and disgusting comments were intolerable!

GODS! Those men were disgusting! Severus Snape never wanted to hear another clever euphemism for a penis, vagina or sex again in his life!

And for the record, he had been right. By the end of the day, Dumbledore was being vigorously congratulated for his virility. After all, a man of almost one hundred sixty years had knocked-up someone considerably less then a third his age. That was cause for celebration in itself to the old men.

"Like a sniper! Every shot a hit!"

Gellert: Actually, he might have just gotten lucky.

Oh, how he loathed Phillip Walters. Between making an ass of himself where Severus was concerned, including attempting to cop a feel off him any time he was near, and offering every one of his aged colleagues fool enough to speak with him something called 'Viagra' COMMA! the man was positively obnoxious!

Guardian’s Song: I hate to say it, but the bit about Viagra’s a plot point later on.

Sporkers: …

Aberforth: …I’m going to find the spare stocks of bleeprin when this section’s over.

Ariana: And then we’ll share them with the goats, won’t we?

Aberforth: *thinks* Sure, why not.

That sodding sniper remark would have driven the young wizard

Albus: Thirty-seven years old does not qualify one as a “young wizard”.

to cast an Unforgivable unforgivable. At least he would have if he knew where his wand was. He had not seen it since escaping Dumbledore's study weeks earlier.

The prickling feeling of eyes on the back of his neck *gobbles them off* made him turn, suddenly being drawn back to the present, to the Headmaster's study.

Ariana: (Sevvy) *whiplash*

His mind reeled, and his black eyes widened as they found the old faded Persian rug on the floor before that hideous floral print couch.

Black eyes found the place where he had been raped. I found the place where the black eyes lay. I ate them.

"A-hem." The Headmaster cleared his throat COMMA! causing Severus to finally look in the old man's direction. Dumbledore's bright blue eyes twinkled as they appraised him. Snape swallowed, suddenly coming to the realization that he was alone with the man he had once thought of as a trusted friend, a father. Slow on the uptake, isn’t he?

"Would you like a lemon drop, my child?" Dumbledore asked gently, SEMICOLON! NOT COMMA! he was holding up the little silver candy dish from his desk, looking at him affectionately.

Ariana: (Older Alby) :D You are my favorite candy dish, Marky. *pets him*

Albus: …

Severus was alone with the man who had raped and impregnated him.

"How about some nice hot tea?" The Headmaster asked with a gentle smile.

He was alone with Albus Dumbledore.

Panic welled in his heart.

Stiffly he turned and bolted to the door, not caring where he ended up, COLON! NOT SEMICOLON! he just need to get out of the room where he had been violated, away from the presence of Albus Dumbledore.

"Where do you think you are going, Severus?" The voice was as it always had been, calm, soothing, kindly, *takes over* condescending, twinkly… as the old man set down the candy dish on his cluttered desk with an over-loud clatter.

"To my rooms." Severus refused to look at the Headmaster. With an effort COMMA! he managed to keep his voice even. His hands were shaking as he attempted to turn the doorknob.

To his horror, the large brass knob, which he realized with horror this Dumbledore probably used as a sex toy, refused to budge. "I am going to my rooms, Headmaster." He said quickly, though he still twisted the knob as if the door would actually open for him. "I have been stuck in a small cell for four weeks. Now having been thoroughly humiliated and spoken to as if I were a backwards toddler for the past several hours COMMA! I am tired and wish to go to bed. I’m going to go feed the goats first, though." He had to work hard not to hyperventilate.

"But these are your rooms, Severus. Have you forgotten? You are my bond mate now. COMMA! NOT PERIOD!" Tthe Headmaster noted brightly.

"Not by choice." His hair whipped around his face as he whirled to face the Headmaster, just like Alan Rickman’s in the movies.

"You had a choice, Severus, you chose the bonding." The blue eyes had ceased to twinkle.

"Choice! You call this a choice? Either be bonded with you or face life as an inmate of St. Mungo's? This was the lesser of two evils." Snape glared at the older wizard.

"I do not think that I like being called a 'lesser' evil, Severus."

Aberforth: (Snape) You want me to say you’re worse?

(Older Albus) Yes! I must be the universally acknowledged best at any subject - If I am to be a Dark Lord, then I’ll have you know that I am the most fearsome, arrogant, long-winded, brilliant, and skilled Dark Lord in all of history!

(Snape) …And what about Stupidest Evil Overlord in all of history?

(Older Albus) …What? Noooo! You guessed my weakness! Must… resist…

The old man's eye had completely lost their Then that should be “eyes”. sparkle.


Aberforth: (Doge) I am dazzled! 8D

Gellert: (Older Albus) What if I’m not the superhero? What if I’m the bad guy?

Guardian’s Song: Then thirty percent of fanfiction writers would be utterly unsurprised.


Albus: *through gritted teeth* I am not dazzled!

Severus realized suddenly that he was in big trouble. He swallowed nervously arms crossed over his chest.

Ariana: O_o He swallowed the arms crossed over his chest?

Elbe: *beleaguered* …Comma…

He pulled in on himself Either kinky or anatomically impossible, possibly both. waiting for the anger to erupt.

Though surprisingly COMMA! the old man kept his voice calm; it was only the deep blue eyes that were turning slightly cold. EYEBALLS! …Nice and chilled! *eats* …D:

"We are married now. And I will prefer to have my spouse share my bed. In fact, for the bonding to be legal we will need to consummate the union."

"I have already been thoroughly consummated today!" Severus growled bitterly before he had the chance to think.

Fortunately this time Headmaster chuckled, SEMICOLON! NOT COMMA! his eyes seemed less cold. "I do love your sense of humor, Severus. Among other things." The old man snapped his fingers. "Speaking of which, it was your 'posterior' excretory cavity."

Guardian’s Song: I told you so.

Gellert: …And you think this is a good thing?

Guardian’s Song: Yes! Instead of further commentary adding to the plot holes, it neatly patches over them! :D

Gellert: …Muggles…

Snape just looked at him blankly.

"When you were being a smart-ass

Albus: *mumbling* Regardless of whether I am evil in this story, could she bother to have a rudimentary concept of my speech patterns?

Guardian’s Song: Because a petty - not potty, I do mean petty - mouth is a sign of evil. You don’t believe me, just look at the Fics-That-Must-Not-Be-Named. Every single one of the protagonists, save maybe Harry, is incredibly petty. Not coincidentally, they’re all foul little psychopaths (save maybe Harry). What does that tell you?

Aberforth: That maybe you should have stopped volunteering for chapters before this began to look good?

Guardian’s Song: Bah.

to the council, my boy - you said I was going to forcefully insert my member into your anterior excretory cavity. You forget, I had already forcible inserted I speaky English real goody! my member into the anterior cavity. That's your pussy, by the way. That poor cat. )8" He noted with a wink. "It was your rather cute 'posterior' that I was intending to fuck at that point. Though, under the circumstances, I suppose that you can be forgiven for not knowing whether I was coming, or, well, coming."

Albus: That makes no sense. *pauses* …Of course, none of this makes sense, but that makes no sense even in context of this fic.

"I, ah…" Severus just blinked uncomprehending, and then he realized what the old man had said. He frowned as their eyes met. But he had to suppress a shiver, as he realized that he was under intense scrutiny from the older wizard. "Why do you keep staring at me?"

"I'm just looking at my lovely bond mate. You are quite lovely you know, Severus. Thish ish reeeeeeeeally good Firewhishkey, y’ know, Sheverush? *hic* E’ryone’sh sho wubbly! *falls over and starts snorting* Yes, Severus Snape-Dumbledore. I like the sound of that. Fairly rolls off the tongue.

Albus: Actually, it does not. The blunt “D” sound interrupts the sinuous noise of “Severus Snape”, resulting in great awkwardness. *gesture* For instance, although “Gellert Grindelwald-Dumbledore” has its alliteration broken by the “D” sound, it is not overly affected due to the harder nature of the “G’s”.

Gellert: And, of course, “Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore-Grindelwald” has no issues whatsoever with the added name.

Albus: Indeed.

Aberforth: *gags*

Though eventually, you will drop the name Snape altogether, once the students are used to the change." Severus gapped

Ariana: (Sevvy) *turns into a chasm*

at the other man, too shocked to retort. "Funny, with everything that had happened in my life, I have never been married before. That's sad when you think about it, over one hundred fifty years on this world and never had the time to marry. Telling greasy Potions Masters that I consider them “hotties” might have contributed to that, alas. *buries face in hands again*" The older Wizard suddenly realized that his bond mate was desperately attempting to open the door again. "Severus, what is the meaning of this?" He sounded hurt.

sporker!albus dumbledore, sporker!gellert grindelwald, spork, subjugation sporking, harry potter

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