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guardians_song September 19 2008, 04:50:19 UTC

Oh, yes, Ron got a gedwey ignasia on his forehead from Rowena Ravenclaw during a time travel incident in Draco Sinister, I shit you not. (It wasn't CALLED that, but it WAS a silvery mark. My reaction was to comment "Cassandra Claire is Paolini's wife on the Astral Plane".)

So then Voldemort reveals he's been responsible for all this romantic wangst, which, in my opinion, is more evil than anything he's ever done in canon. You can't understand unless you've tried to spork it. D8

And Tom Riddle has decided basilisk venom wasn't really enough to kill him, so he possesses Seamus Finnegan and gets Seamus's crush on Ginny transferred to him like an STD. EVERYONE with a Y chromosome who isn't UGLY AND OLD ZOMG lusts after either Hermione or Ginny. Cassandra Claire has ISSUES.

And Ben and Gareth turn out to be gay, but their characters are destroyed so that they get a DEEPLY WANGSTY (and thus more masculine) version of the female personality for Cassandra Claire's characters - they hang out in Ginny's room reading romance novels, for goodness's sakes! (OOC!Gareth has the munchies, thus causing me to theorize Gareth and Ben had an MPreg lovechild who was Ron's ancestor. After all, Gareth attempted to peel the Ginny-Sue away from his canon partner [i.e. Ben] in Sinister when she made him her sidekick-for-the-chapter, so he resembles Ron in MULTIPLE ways...)

And there's some horribly convoluted time-travel plot best summarized as "All the plot devices are there for the heroes because the heroes put them there in the first place", which just makes me HEADDESK violently.

Finally, Voldemort is weakened by a bungled ritual (as he managed to violate half the Evil Overlord list), then killed by his own Killing Curse that was bounced back from a power-amplifying mirror. I'll give Claire some credit - that was actually a pretty good scene.

Blargh. That's about all... that >1000 pages consist of. D8

~Opifex, feeling guilty because she made a canon villain hot and sexy too.."
B-but you did it so WELL! Cassandra Claire can't COMPARE! All Draco does is wangst, wangst, wangst to the point of being nonfunctional, and everyone WUBS him for it (except Ron, who is EVIL for not loving Teh Drakey). Galbatorix manages a KINGDOM despite his angst, and - don't compare yourself to her! That's RIDICULOUS! You made me care more about an OC in one CHAPTER (the... cleaning lady who once fought as a soldier and wielded an axe and became a Rider at the end of the story before Shade Dreams) than Claire managed to make me care about any of her characters in approx. 2300 pages! *bows* But really, Claire is to PAOLINI as Paolini is to you. Don't worry. You? You are AWESOME. Claire is... ARRRRRRGH!

:) Summary: You rock. Claire does not. :);;


ana_beachcombe September 19 2008, 09:06:13 UTC
*reads summary*

...good gods. I had no idea; from the number of fangirls she had I thought those fics must be something else. I will admit, the parallels between her and me made me uneasy. I mean, I re-used stuff from my fanfics, including the protagonist, in an original trilogy as well. Then there was the "created an important part of fanon" thing, and the "epically long" thing, and... well.
I wound up thinking things like "oh hell, what if people say I'm another Cassandra Clare, and I get made fun of on all those sporking sites? Those people could take me apart if they wanted to! Noooo!"

However, there is at least one important difference between her and me: I didn't plagiarise. I don't need to do it, and nor would I ever defend myself if I had. *points at icon*

Thanks so much for your help, and for reassuring me - to say thankyou, I've made an icon just for you. :D


ana_beachcombe September 19 2008, 09:13:21 UTC
PS: She was a tailor. ^_^


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