Mar 26, 2007 13:39
So how about I had one of the strangest but most awesome dreams last night? I felt I needed to post this not only to share it with others but also to remind myself before I forget (you know how quickly dreams fade from your mind).
All right, so I was at this summer camp type of place, and there were a bunch of people there. Like all roughly around my age or older. And among the people there were also famous people including my most favorite Canadian musician/actor, Tyler Kyte. It was an awesome dream right then and there. Haha. But then it gets even better. I was walking with the group to one of the lodges, and they were doing some kind of group activity inside that looked more like something you'd do in a classroom. So I decided to keep from doing it I was going to pull some kind of prank. So I threw this balloon full of slimy stuff on the ground and had it splatter on some of the girls. And they said that to be fair I should have some of it dumped on me, too. So they dumped it on my head, and it ran all down my back. and I was like, "Ughhhh!!!! I feel like a giant block of Spam!! This is so gross..." So then we get over to the lodge, and all of them go in but me and a few other guys, one of which being Tyler Kyte.
So he comes over to me, and he's like, "Haha. That slime thing was awesome, dude. That totally rocked." And then instead of going into the lodge we went over to a place that had a porch swing made of like cedar and sat on it, and his friends stood around talking nearby. So then we start swinging, and he looks over at me and says, "Y'know, me and my friends are in a band. You should check us out sometime. I think you'd like our sound." To which I replied, "Oh, I listen to your music myspace like everyday. Haha. Yes, it's dorky, but I love your music." And then he said something about a goofy cartoon he draws from time to time, so I reply, "You know, I go to school for animation. Y'know like cartoons and stuff." He looks at me and laughs. Then he says, "Oh yeah? That's pretty cool, dude."
Then I look away for a bit, and when I look back about half a minute later he's gone. And in his place Drew Barrymore is sitting there. She was like, "Let's dance. Come on! Get up and come with me." But instead of dancing we get on a fourwheeler, and I look at her confused to say, "Ummm... I thought we were going to dance. And won't we get in trouble for doing this?" She smiles and says, "Come on. You need a little adventure in your life, and I never get hurt. We'll be fine." So somehow the place is coated in snow, and she speeds off while I'm flying in the air barely holding onto her torso and then pops a wheelie. Then she gets thrown off the front, and I hop off the back. And the fourwheeler slows to a stop just before hitting her. When we get to eachother we realize that we're surrounded by a pack of fierce snow wolves who are very unhappy with us disturbing their territory. We look off to the distance and see a cottage and try to make our way there without getting attacked. Drew made it to the door, but I stood behind and braced myself as one of the wolves got close. The wolf sunk its teeth into my right wrist, and I started to scream like a little girl. It hurt SO bad. But then a cat ran out of the cottage and scared the wolves away. Haha.
After that, I think I passed out from shock and woke up to find myself in bed with Drew Barrymore. Tyler Kyte walks in as I'm coming to consciousness, and he's like, "What's going on here?! You and Drew???" To which I sit up quickly and say, "No! No! No!!! It's not what it looks like! I was attacked, and I passed out to find myself here." He walks out, and I chase after him. And I see that they're having a pool party outside the room I was in. As I'm chasing after him, I end up falling in the pool. But when I resurface I don't see him. So I swim over to the other end of the pool and see a man standing there talking to Alexz Johnson (whom if you didn't know is also a Canadian musican/actress. She and Tyler Kyte both work together on the TV show Instant Star). I just looked at her in awe, and then Tyler walks over and offers to help me out of the pool. And that's all I remember. It was SUCH a fun/weird dream. I wish I remembered everything about it, but that's pretty much all of it in a nutshell.