So. Stuff has sucked lately. Which stuff? Just about all stuff. I needed something to get my mind off of just how many thing sucked and how much stuff there was that sucked so I decided to do something to my office.
Office. I like to call it my office. Really, it's where my computer (full of cartoons and comic books and porn) resides and where I spend most of my time when actually in the house.
Anyway, I wanted to do another graphic thing, something like octopus wall in the last house. I came across
this badass panel by Jack Kirby and knew it was exactly what I wanted.
Here's the original awful, bland, ugly wall.
This was my first idea. I immediately nixed the color but I liked how most of the wall (which is bigger than it looks in any of these pictures) remained blank. I love negative space when used well and I figure, with a little tweaking, it would look pretty good. Glenn disagreed entirely.
Of course.
He proposed that I turn the image on its side and go from there. It actually worked a lot better.
A pencil, an overhead projector, a paintbrush and a prayer were my only friends along the way. I've not the steadiest of hands so I was worried about how it would turn out before I even started.
It took a lot longer than I first thought it would but so did the octopus. I made more than a few mistakes along the way. The carpet remains in near perfect shape, though, the one thing I wouldn't have been able to fix.
I think it turned out pretty good in the end. Everyone seems to like it, too. Well, everyone except for our buddy, Matt, lead singer of a band we like. But fuck him, right? The lettering, I'm going to keep the original text, turned on its side as well. The bubbles are going to remain blank until I make a stencil or come up with a better idea.