Panic Attack...

Mar 20, 2005 10:26

Last night, my brother woke me up because he was getting the spare mattress out for his friend who was sleeping over. As I was trying to get back to sleep I could feel it coming... Another Panic Attack. And this one was definately the worst one I have ever had, and I really don't know what triggered it because I don't know what there was to worry about at 3 in the morning. I was so disorientated, I didn't know where I was and I felt really sick. Whenever I lifted my head I got dizzy and my heart was going so fast... And as if that isn't enough, there's also the feeling that you're going to die or it's the end of the world or whatever.

I haven't had a panic attack since last year... I don't know why I suddenly had one now. *sighs* I was going to write about Sports Day but I'm too depressed now.
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