May 02, 2008 12:11
Greetings from Maine. The weather hereis a wonderful 50 dagreesoutside andthe sun is shining. My trip went smoothly up until the very endwhen I landedin Maine a little behind schedule. Igot of fmy plane and didn't see anyone waiting for me so I went down to baggage claim where I didn't see anyone waiting for Ihungaorund..and iddn't seeanyone witing for me, so I went outside and waited..where I didn't see
I caled my hunni bunni but sh ewasn't homeyet so Iat there alone and poopy,over exhausted and glad that the kid sitting net to me didn't tweak out ( he was talking to himself and squirming the tnire time before he put down his tray table and put his head on it and stopped moving, either dead or asleep,at that point,I didn't care which.
I finally got in touch with Trish who assured me her parents were comming to pick me up and simply mut be there, andthat I just didn't look hard enough for them or perhaps we simply missedeachother in pasin.g. I walked around the entire apirport,inside and out looking for themand calledher back. she was SURe they had to be there somewhere, so I went up to a lovely young lady at the desk and asked her where the person pickup place was,andthenif they had anywhere to eat, unddenn ater hearing her accent asked her whereshe was from. she simply replied "I'll let you guess" so I asked "Woher kommen sie? Bist sie auf deutschland?" Her eyes LIT up and she got insanely excited "ja JA! Ich bin auf deutschland ich komme auf (someplaceI've never heard of)woher kommen sie??" I told her I wasn't from germany but I had learned some of the language and that I had simply loved the language andthe culture and wanted to go sometime. She was so happy to talk to me, I could tell i really made her day. i asked her to page Trisha's parents for me and she did with no anwer. =( I hungaround a little while longer,walking aroundthe aiport several times and never found them. I went back up to her and asked her to page them again, and then again later to no avail. Trisha finally decided after attmptin to call them several times to drive to their house and see wht was up.. about 10 minutes after she left I tried callingher parents againfor poops and ha ha's and amazingly enough, her father Kenny answered. I told him I was atthe airport waiting and he freaked because he thought it was tomorrow. He told mehe'd drive as fast as he coul to get me. I tried calling Trisha backto elther know but she had already left. As I was walking by the information desk again to find some food as I hadn't eaten all day the german lady was on a personal call and she puts the phone down to ask me what happened, I told her and she sympathised with me, showed me a map of Maine and gaveme time estimates. I thankedher in germna and as I was walking away I heard her say on the phone (Ja und I got to speak Germantoday with this wonderful young man! He was ery nice and KNEW I was from germany!!" I like itwhen I can make people smile like that.
So enter more waiting. I got a sammitch and was sitting there int he resteraunt in danger of falling asleep at my table. I waited there for about an hour before waiting outside on a frozen hung of granite for another 20 minutes or so. Eventually I caught Trisha at her parentshouse and washalfway through explaining things to her when her parents arrived to get me.
Fortunatly Trisha's parents were pretty nice to me and very appologetic about the confusion. I honestly told them not to worry about itand I was glad to just be in a car with people I knew!!! Kenny and I talked the majority of the drive aout just abouteverything and we actually got along pretty well. I figuredhe might like me if he took the chance to try, and it seemed like yesterday he took the hane to try. He's a very passionate man on so many levels and has a lot of stories to tell. He makes a great grandfather, I can tell. Once we finally met at their house I wasfinally in the arms of my beloved and all was right int he world. I hugged her and held her tightly and breathed a huge sigh of relief.
They took us out to chineese food which was ery kind of them and then trisha and I came back to her place where I finally got to crash. Unfortunatly Trisha is still very stressed because of the amount of work she still hasto do with papers,projects, portolios and moving. It's a lot to have on anyone's sholders. I amgoing to try and help her out..Let's see if we can do a recovery plan for her.
On second thought..Let's not.. they are like 15 pages long and havea ton of bullshit language things.
Let's just say I will help her try and cleanup and organize her room, and I will help her by being supportive mentaly,emotionally and physically as much as I can. I look forward to seeing her graduate. =) Hopefully my checks have leared so I can buy her a gruaduation gift and the like. =)
So, if there are any typos here, it's because she has her screenset where a normal person could see it and from waaay bak here (arms length cuz I can't shimmy chair any cloer) I can't really see what I amtyping, so I am just going and hoping for the best... Also It's a lappy keyboard and I don't do too great on those. Guess I will just have to cope. =) I can't wait until she get's home already.
BTW, Baby bunniez are adorable, I've already met Knieval who reminds me so much of Linkerton because all he wants to do is sit on your sholder and watch everything, and I've also met Fluff Fluff isn't it's name, but I decided that is what I'mcalling it. It's a fluffy bunny (they are al flufy) but when I put my hand int eh cagetey all ran over to smell it and he was the only one that juststarted kissing it and nudging it for pets, so I picked him up and petted him and he was asleep inmy arms in no time, so Inamed him or her Fluff, possibly short for Fluffball or somethingalong those lines, but Yea.
When I got up this morning I tookone into the bedroom andlet it run all over the place and played with it. they are a hoot and a holler. =) I might steal some pics with y fone for uploading later.
Christina seems cool so far, andDylandoes too. I got to talk to him a little bit this morning as I was cooking brekfast. He seems like a really ecentric person, and reminds me in many ways of myself. He's really smart, likes video games and wierd music, and instead of taking a year of german he took a year of russian. =)
Anyways, I should probably get to work on celaning up trisha's room a little bit or take a nap or do something. I feel like i have been typing forever.
So that's all folks. Glad to not be in hot weather and glad to not be at WORK!!!!!!!!! ah the joys. =)
maine vacation