Title: Regret
guardiancastielRating: PG-13/R
Genre and/or Pairing: Slash, young! General Iroh/Mako
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.
Spoilers: All seasons of Legend of Korra
Warnings: Nightmares of parent's death, shame, guilt
Labels: Fanfic
Word Count: Drabble 148
Summary: Mako is stoic, but behind closed doors and with Iroh - he reveals his true feelings about being a Firebender.
Author's Note: My lovely rare pair!
Iroh massaged Mako's shoulders in hopes of calming the young man's nerves before bed. He didn't show it and he never told anyone except for Iroh, but sometimes the shame and guilt of being born a Firebender weighed too heavy for Mako to bear.
He had dreams of flames engulfing his parents - dreams so vivid he could smell their burning flesh. He awoke late at night in a cold sweat, his stomach lurching from the stench.
Iroh would hush his heavy breathing and kiss his neck. Mako was grateful for Iroh. With Korra and Asami off on their extended vacation in the Spirit World and Bolin completely engrossed with Opal, he had been virtually alone until Iroh had became a permanent figure in his life.
But even with Iroh's reassuring presence Mako wondered when - if ever - would his regret leave him.