The Doctor wandered a while longer throughout the TARDIS, but as usual, found himself opening the door to the console room once again. He wandered about the center controls, running a hand along the edge, as if he could coax it like a canine to play along. He came to one panel and paused. Had that indicator been there before? He would have
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But of course, she found herself in the console room. Again.
She went to turn and leave but a rather interesting looking gentleman was talking to himself in the corner. In past experiences on board the TARDIS, it wasn't always wise to talk with people she hadn't met before whilst being on her own. This was, however, the Guardians' TARDIS, not all of time and space, and she still wasn't certain if she believed whether or not the Master was as terrible as people were saying.
((I can't remember if they've met or not...I think they have but let's just say she can only see part of what he's wearing. Or we can do a whole new introduction))
Hiding was indeed the right term for what he was doing as he pulled out his half-moon spectacles and peered down at the console, before looking up. She was mostly obscured from his view with the console between them but he straightened up with a smile.
"Hello again!" It felt like it had been a while since they'd run into each other in the pub. How long ago had it been? He honestly didn't care at the moment. It was just nice to have a familiar face around, one that wasn't the Master. He looked around and found the lights, raising them a little so they weren't lurking in the dark.
"...what are you doing?" Barbara asked, risking a couple of steps toward him.
Not that she felt any better or worse for going outside. She still felt there was a possibility that tribes might try and catch her for some kind of punishment because she was doing something that she didn't know was wrong.
"You're going to go out there, aren't you?" because she knew that look in his eye.
But she found her arm looping around the Doctor's elbow with a sigh and a small smile. "Yes, last time. And we encountered tribes of men and women that didn't like us being together, according to their customs, men and women weren't allowed to be anywhere near one another outside of a full moon."
"The beach should be this way. I wonder what color the sand will be... You were saying about the 'last time'?"
"I haven't ever really seen you as a beach person," she commented curiously.
The very memory of that made Barbara cringe.
But, she smiled at the Doctor. "You never once mentioned a fondness for cricket when we traveled with you," which was just as well, or else she'd never have been able to talk about anything interesting, what with Ian being so keen himself.
"Well, back then it was more of a passing interest. These days I'm a bit more, well, active." He holds his hat down as a gentle seabreeze picks up, carrying the faint scent of ocean. He takes a breath and looks down the road, which is now sloping gently toward a short line of trees, beyond which the sound of waves can be heard. "Excellent! Almost there, and that breeze is lovely. If we had a few of the others along, we might have been able to have a game and a picnic."
"This is rather beautiful," she smiled at the Doctor, letting him go to scoop some of the sand into her hand.They should have brought vials or jars with them, for Ian would have loved to experiment on the sand to work out why it was emerald.
"Iron oxide, I believe. Same sort of thing you use to make green bottles on Earth." He smiled, amused. "Perfectly safe to take a stroll, and harmless in combination with the water, though I don't know what else is in the ocean here, or whatever this body of water is." He was still too excited, it was like a little bit of home, but with a reasonably sized body of water and different foliage. For once, it seemed honestly calming so rather than rushing off he just sighed quietly, looking out over the water.
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