Nov 04, 2009 17:31
The way things are going right now, I'm convinced that I'm going to end up in a fight with someone. The last two out of two days I've run into bitchy homophobic people and the tension is seriously unreal. I've never been in a fight but both times I thought I was going to have to beat the shit out of someone. I wish that would solve things, but then it'd be just as bad as the people who thinks they can beat other people straight. Still, if someone starts shit with me I am beyond not afraid of them.
I wrote up this whole list of reasons why being anti-gay positions are invalid but it's so ridiculous imo it isn't worth explaining anymore. I'm focusing on how to bedazzle everything with pride stuff. I seriously went out the other day and just bought some rainbow things to wear. Political/social protest is always in fashion, bbs. I will rainbow my life and try to spread it.
P.S. I totes went birthday shopping for my friend and ended up getting myself a My Little Pony UNICORNNNNNN!! And then to find out that someone said they were going to get him a My Little Pony too but WHATEVER BECAUSE HE'LL HAVE ONE TOO AND MINE IS AWESOMMMMMEEEE. PONY PRIDE FOREVER!
be loud be proud,
even spike is disgusted by your shite,
useless people piss me off,
wtf is this,
listen up,
end of the world as we know it,
maine is a state damnit!,
gay rights,
my unicorn can beat the piss out of you,