The Novice God (1/?)Author:
guardian_chaosRating: PG-13
Words: 3300-ish (this part)
Fandoms: BBC!Sherlock, The Dresden Files (TV), and Supernatural.
Characters: Sherlock, John, Lestrade (in this chapter)
Spoilers: The entire Dresden Files TV series. Takes place mid-season 7 of Supernatural, and post-series 1 of Sherlock.
Genre: drama, action, friendship, possibly angst or hurt/comfort in parts
Author's Note: This thing is a beast. I've been working on it for nearly a YEAR. It's basically a dedication piece to all of the characters I love. I hope I have done them justice. A thousand thanks to
joonscribble, who allowed me to flail in her general direction about this fic so many times. She's a saint!
By the way, Google and I tried to use science at the end of this, so if I've gotten any of the science-y bits wrong, please call me out on it. I welcome constructive criticism!
Summary: A new god has risen, unpredictable and uncontrolled, leaving Sherlock Holmes to face two unpleasant realities: that the supernatural world may be more real than he wants to admit, and that there are some things he is not capable of facing alone.
Chapter 1: A Doctor and a Detective Get Caught in the Rain )