Mar 04, 2006 18:20
Today (well, saturday for me) is Live Journal Amnesty Day.
Many people have a lot of friends on their list. Some they like, some they know in real life, some they never read, some they added in haste and feel too guilty to remove themselves.
Well worry no more. Today is a de-friending amnesty day.
If you added me to your friends list and you never read what I write or don't like what I write or just don't want my often pointless and generalizing ramblings cluttering up your friends pages any more, today is the day to unfriend me. Do it. Go ahead, don't feel bad about it. No worries. No grudges. That's what Live Journal Amnesty Day is all about. Everyone has names on their friends list that they haven't the heart to get rid of because they're harmless really, but you just don't read what they write any more. Don't worry about it if I am that person on your list. No need for comments or explanations why - just unfriend me and we shall go our merry ways.
If you want to extend this offer to people on your friends list, copy and paste this into your own journal.