Jun 11, 2005 10:10
Only one more week of classes, and then I will pretty much be a senior. Tear. So, Thursday was good, Theodore left for Chicago, marching band was fun. I was mad that we didn't get to do block with the band, but that's ok. This year should be good, the music already sounds pretty cool. Yesterday was blah, last health class, I got to help Mike with his AP Stat project, even though I don't take that class. Last night was fun, got Amanda's present, then went out to Friendly's with Sarah and Jen, then we went mini-golfing. I lost, Jen won, I also got 11 mosquito bites! I have no money, and my parents have been up my ass to get a job. They are so annoying. Today is Amanda's party, it should be tres fun. I'm excited. Enjoy the weekend! *Smoochez*
If there is one person you can't stop thinking about, post this same exact sentence in your journal.