May 16, 2004 12:15
1. Am I cute?
2. Am I crazy?
3. Am I lovable?
4. Am I funny?
5. Am I annoying?
6. Am I psycho?
7. Am I daring?
8. Am I a good person?
Would You...
1. Hug Me? .
2. Miss me if I was gone?
3. Listen to my problems?
4. Hug me if I cried?
5. Be a good friend?
6. Get in a fight for me?
1. Would you Ever go out with me?
2. If you already have, would you do it again?
3. Kiss me?
4. Marry me if you could?
5. Ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up?
6. Make out with me in a cemetery?
7. Snuggle with me?
1. How Well Do You Know Me?
2. When's my birthday?
3. Who is my best friend?
4. Who am I crushing on/dating?
5. Favorite color?
6. Favorite Animal?
7. Favorite song/songs?
8. Favorite music groups?