Jane_Drew_ brought home the bubonic plague... again. She picked it up from the undergrads, no doubt. I'm this close to going to the campus she teaches at and hosing the dirty little bastards down with antibacterial spray. Seriously.
This particular strain is especially obnoxious because I don't actually feel that sick. My throat is raw, I'm coughing all the dang time, and I'm incredibly tired --yet I don't actually feel sick. It's really annoying. I want to go about my normal daily activities, but I poop out halfway through and have to go take a nap.
I'm in that phase of disease that five year olds go through where they're TIRED of being sick, they want to go play, but they feel too wretched to actually get out of bed so they just throw incredibly wan little tantrums while still laying flat on their back. I am seriusly punching the pillow after each coughing fit.
... they are totally going to take away my Grown Up license.