Jan 09, 2009 15:50
Blagojevic continues to be insane.
Just got done watching his press conference responding to his impeachment where he accused the House of constantly opposing him, specifically in regards to his "fight" for accessible health care. One plan that came up was this whole thing that he "defied the FDA" by importing pharmaceuticals. He hauled in this whole group of people in to stand behind him as human props, one of which he used as his very own "Bob the Plumber". Kid was part of an Illinois program for minors of uninsured families and had just turned 19. He needed a kidney transplant... or a lung transplant... or a liver transplant... depending on which part of the speech you were listening to. Kid got his organ, whichever organ it was he needed. I'm guessing it was the kidney, judging by the fact that one of the women in the line up behind Blagojevic was mouthing 'kidney' at him.
Blagojevic insisted that he'd done nothing wrong despite the fact that he just got impeached 184 to 1.
Long story short: The dude was 25 minutes late for a press conference that he called, ignored the subject of his impeachment to rant out health care, ripped off another English poet for his closing, and then left without taking a single question.
EDIT: Heeeee... MSNBC has dubbed this spectacle 'As the Rod Turns' HEE HEE HEE
EDIT EDIT: Ooo, The lieutenant governor is giving his own press conference at 4 pacific time.