me~and more than you need to know

Jun 12, 2005 20:15

well,i took the quiz. update. i had fun at amber's party, and i will be gone all next week. i will be working on stacking up my service hours. ttyl! i love you all. i <3 the applesauce lord

1. Kissed your best friend?yes
2. Ran away: yes.
3. Pictured who you are going to marry? nopers
4. Skipped school: last few minutes. only because it was homecoming
5. Broken someone's heart: doesnt everyone?
6. Been in love: possibly
7. Cried when someone died: duh..of course
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: for a while
9. Broken a bone: no
10. Done something embarrassing: yep
11. Lied: am i the only one?
12. Cried in school: once in fourth grade, but during practice doesnt count, does it?
13. Coke or Pepsi: coke.
14. Sprite or 7UP: sprite.
15. Girls or Guys: Guys!
16. Flowers or Candy: candy...yumm...
17. Stubble or clean shaven: doesnt matter to me
18. Blondes or Brunettes: who cares...not me
19. Bitchy or Slutty: neither
20. Tall or Short: tall
21. Pants or Shorts: either or
22. Night or Day: evening

23. What do you notice first: height
24. Last Person You Slow Danced With: a guy at foster camp...i think his name was sean
25. Worst Question To Ask: dont you love me?

26. Showered: this morning
27. Streaked: never
28. Had Sex: never

29. Romantic memory:
30. Your Good Luck Charm: my teddy bear necklace or my olive oyl necklace
31. Person You Hate Most: I don't hate anyone.
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: i joined guard
33. On your desk: picuters...lots. papers, cd's, printer, tissues, envelopes...normal desktop stuff.
34. Picture on your desktop: an island with three palm trees and a sail boat.
35. Color: bright green
36. Movie: mary poppins
37. Artist or band: arent they eventually the same anyway?
38. Cars: mazda rx8
39. Ice Cream: rainbow sherbert
41. Food: gummy bears and whipped cream

42. Makes You Laugh The Most: melanie
43. Makes You Smile: willyum
44. Can Make You Feel Better No Mattr What: danielle
45. Has A Crush On You: i think his name is thomas
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: shh...nobody knows.
47. Has It Easier?: ppl who dont worry as much
48. Gives You A Funny Feeling When You See Them: I don't think I'll anwser this

49. Sit By The Phone Waiting For A Phone Call All Night: yes.
50. Save AIM Conversations: no
51. Save E-mails: yes
52. Forward Secret E-mails: no
53. Wish You Were Someone Else: not someone else, but wished someone else was with me
54. Wish You Were A Member Of The Opposite Sex: yes, only once
55. Kiss: yes *blushes*
56. Cuddle: honestly...not really
57. Go Online For Longer Than Eight Hours At A Time: yes...only if i have eight hours to spare


58. Fallen For Your Best Friend?: yes
59. Made Out With JUST A Friend: no
60. Kissed Two People In The Same Day?: yes
61. Had Sex With Two Different People In The Same Day?: no.
62. Been Rejected: no
63. Been In Love?: possibly
64. Been In Lust?: yes
65. Used Someone?: not consiencly
66. Been Used?: only by a few ppl
67. Dumped Someone?: yes
68. Been Cheated On? yes *grr...*
69. Been Kissed?: yes
70. Done Something You Regret?: everyday


71. You Touched?: mom
72. You Talked To?: ryan
73. You Hugged?: daniel cousin
74. You Instant Messaged?: willyum
75. You Kissed?: why would you ask that?
76. You Yelled At?: mom
77. You Thought About?: willy
78. Who Text Messaged You?: nobody
79. Who Broke Your Heart?: i wont try to remember my mistakes
80.Who Told You They Loved You?: i dont remember...its been a while


81. Color Your Hair? no
83. Have Tattoos?: not yet.
82. Have Piercings?: two.
83. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
84. Own a Webcam?: Never
85. Own a Thong?: would you think of me differently if i did? if i didnt? if you really wanna know, you ask me.
86. Ever Get Off The Damn Computer?: yes

87. Stolen Anything?: when i was little
88. Smoke?: secondhand
89. Drink: yes
90. T-pee someones house: yes
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