So it definitely turned out to be an awesome weekend. On friday I didn't do much but work out..but then Friday night was the Sigma Nu party at Hammertime! It was super-fun. I loved hanging out with everyone...needless to say we stayed out until 2am and Amanda is awesome because she was my DD!
On Saturday Chris came up to visit and we hung out at the apartment, went to Rudy's for some amazing barbecue...and basically just were lazy all day. Then at 7 we went over to Dan's apartment where Ashley already was and watched the UT game!!!
Its really sad that they lost. But in good news: Baylor won our game against Northwestern State 47-10!! So whooo Go Bears. after the game we came back to the apartment and hung out some more and Chris actually stayed the night! =) So that was awesome. And then today has been nothing but homework. =( Actually I just got back from a dinner with Vanessa and a bunch of people I knew from last year. It was way fun! But now I have to get back to studying suucks. Anyway, that's all I have for now. More later!