Am I completely not getting it when it comes to interacting with the opposite sex? I don't date and I won't be in a relationship with just anyone, even people I like a whole bunch.
It's like I have a pool of casual lady friends whose company I enjoy. Then every few years someone that I had a crush on, but remained platonic friend's with, will come forward with some feelings for me and I'll get wrapped up in a relationship immediately. Dating would be silly since I've already hung out and gotten to know the person over a long period of time, so it's just a leap into spending days at a time together, clothes in the closet, dropping me off at BART/bus. None of my usual protective instincts kick in. My guard disappears completely.
Then it's the "you are so awesome! You've made me feel so great. I don't think I'll ever meet anyone who will treat me like you...but"
I dunno. I have friends who date and I have friend's who are serial monogamists. Both seem like such a waste of time to me. If I'm not ready to be completely committed to someone then why not stay single and just enjoy each others company without the relationship pressure?
Obviously I'm doing something wrong, I just don't know exactly what.
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