So it's Thanksgiving. Huh.

Nov 27, 2008 19:10

I completely forgot about it until I saw my f-list. I'm so disconnected from the holidays over here. De pura chiripada (shoddy translation: out of pure coincidence), I bought a turkey sandwich before getting back. It had stuffing and cranberry sauce. Totally unplanned.

I went down to Regent Street today. Why do I insist on going shopping while in the midst of nearly uncontrollable coughing? I must be insane. Speaking of insane, I also have the unfortunate habit of not buying a shirt I like so I must obsess over it for days afterwards. Okay, this shirt wasn't that great. The one I really wanted was the one they didn't have in my size even though I saw it a month ago, only I didn't bother trying it on then. I ended up getting the Tube back because I was so tired. Must stop pushing legs when they can't take it anymore. My only purchase of the day: sugar free Halls with lovely artificial cherry flavoring. Oh yeah.

I keep forgetting to say something. Oh, right. I've decided that despite charging 35-40 pounds for a single shirt, the Topshop isn't really expensive considering that they have fabulous looking clothes. I found it on a list of bargain shops in London and scoffed. How naive I was. I forgot that this is London, home of some of the finest designer shops in the world, where they feel free to charge you 90 pounds for a slinky top that covers almost nothing without shame. I made the mistake of going into one of these shops today, took a look at two of the price tags, casually placed the shirt back on the rack and slipped out of there pretending like the reason I was leaving after having been inside for only thirty seconds was because I had a cough attack and not because I'm poor and that shirt is worth my food budget for three weeks. Or is that four weeks? Worse!

I took a picture at some of the decorations. I meant to do the same with Oxford Street, but my legs couldn't take it anymore, so I'll have to do those later. Apparently, Spiderman decided to do the decorations this year

or so a group of us decided when we went to the pub and first saw these. Either that or they're nets to catch people comitting suicide, though they're a little too far away from the buildings for that.

I also saw this store, which I'd never heard of before and has a rather amusing name. I don't know whether it's on purpose or not, but since I have that thing where I switch around letters without noticing, I can't help but interpret it that way.

london, shopping doom, real life

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